Chapter One

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In a busy and tiny village were a lot of people walking around at a market. One of those people was a young man with a book in his hands. ''Why does he always have a book with him?'' A man asked and looked disgusted at the young man. ''He's just weird, like always.'' A woman next to him answered while she shook her head. The young man with the book sighed, he heard those comments a lot everytime he took a walk into the village. People calling him weird for reading and making fun of him. Just because he loved books, they didn't understood him. He couldn't live without the various stories he read about, it was one of the things that made him so happy. He finished the book and closed it, holding it to his chest as he walked into a tiny wooden shop. A bell ringed when he opened the door, making the owner of the shop look up from his bookshelf. ''Ah, if it isn't the only bookworm in town.'' The store owner said and walked up to the counter. ''Goodmorning, Yugyeom, I came to return this book.'' The young man named Seokjin said and laid the book on the counter. ''Did you get any new ones already?'' Seokjin asked the blonde-haired bookshop owner who shook his head. ''No, not yet. I think I'll get them in tomorrow. But you can always pick one you've already read, even though you read all the ones I have in store.'' Yugyeom answered and Seokjin walked to the bookshelf in the corner of the store. ''That's okay.'' The black-haired male said, his big brown doe eyes scanning the spines of different books on the shelf. Eventually he picked out a dusty and old looking one. ''I'll borrow this one then.'' Seokjin said and held it up in the air, so Yugyeom could see which one he had chosen. ''Ah, Shakespeare! Excellent choice.'' The shop owner exclaimed when he recognised the cover of the book. Seokjin agreed and thanked Yugyeom for letting him borrowing the book as always. He stepped out of the shop and walked onto the market square which was full of people. He had bought some fish and bread for his mother and him and was about to go home when he felt a hand on his back, making him jump up in suprise. He turned around and immediatly recognised the man who stood there. It was Jackson. Seokjin never liked him. Jackson was always so selfish and full of himself and on top of that, he flirted every day with Seokjin to try to marry him. Obviously that wouldn't happen, but Jackson just couldn't understand it. And he always had his sidekick, Bambam, with him who followed him everywhere. Seokjin couldn't imagine how annoying that must be. Jackson handed Seokjin a bouqet of daisies. ''Here, these are for you.'' The white-haired male said and smiled at Seokjin. ''Oh, thanks.'' The young man said and tried to sound thankful. ''Let me invite you to dinner tonight.'' Jackson offered and Seokjin shook his head. ''I'm having dinner with my mother.'' The black-haired male said and wanted to get away as fast as possible. ''Let me come then. It's an excellent opportunity for your mother to meet her son in law.'' Jackson said and stepped closer towards Seokjin who immediatly took a step back. ''I should really head home.'' He said and turned around. He started to walk fast, trying to get away from Jackson. ''Seokjin, come back! Bambam, stop him!'' Jackson yelled, making Seokjin walk even faster. He was practically running when he arrived at his house. He opened the door of the white-painted fence in a hurry and ran up the two stairs made of stone at the front door. He stepped into the house and immediatly closed the door after him. He leaned against the front door with his back and his chest was heavily going up and down. Seokjin exhaled loudly and made sure Jackson was gone before he stepped away from the door. His daily routine was bascially escaping both Jackson and Bambam, which was getting really tiring for the young man. He walked away from the door and started to prepare dinner. When he was halfway done, his mother came into the kitchen and pressed a kiss on his cheek. ''What are we eating? It seems good.'' She said, making Seokjin smile. ''It's nothing, really. Bread, baked fish and fried eggs. All fresh from the market.'' Her son answered while she sat down at the dinner table. She nodded with her head and Seokjin went back to making dinner. Fifteen minutes had passed when he put the food on the dinner table and they both started eating. ''I'm going to a convention for inventors tonight which is on the other side of the country, do you think you can handle being alone for that long?'' His mother suddenly said and the young male immediatly nodded. His mother was an inventor and tried to make gadgets every day. She mostly just made music boxes, they were her speciality and Seokjin absolutely adored them. ''Ofcourse, I'm an adult.'' The black-haired male answered her question, making his mother relieved. He was around twenty-two years, so he could take good care of himself when he was alone. He went back to eating, but his mother asked him something again. ''Do you want me to bring you something on the way?'' Seokjin immedialty started to think and his eyes lit up with an excited sparkle when he thought of something. ''A rose, please.'' He answered with a mouth full of bread and quickly swallowed. His mother smiled.''Any specific colour?'' She asked and Seokjin shrugged his broad shoulders. ''You choose.'' He answered and she nodded with her head. ''A rose it is then.'' His mother said. She had the same smile as Seokjin. He had most features of his father, but he had his mothers smile. That's always what she had told him, because Seokjin's father had died when Seokjin was just a baby, so he couldn't remember anything of him. His mother was the only family he had and he loved her. He knew his mother very well and noticed the little things she always did. Like, she never called him by his full name, only when she was really serious. She mostly just calls him Jin or Jinnie, the second option was mostly used when he was a child. But he loved his mother and would protect her with anything he had. They were an inseparable duo, his mother and him.

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