Chapter Six

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Seokjin felt his stomach growl, but he wasn't going to give in to his hunger. He didn't want to get out of his room, he was terrified that he would come face to face with the beast and that the cruel creature would rip him to shreds. Seokjin laid on the soft bed, staring up at the white and golden ceiling. He looked out of the window and saw that the sun was going down now, a sign the evening was near. He was getting so hungry, he just needed something to eat. He sighed and suddenly he heard the beast yell and the sound of plates breaking. The black-haired male got scared from how intimidating the beast sounded. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but the hunger was getting so bad that he couldn't sleep. Eventually Seokjin got up from the bed and walked towards the bedroom door. He hesitantly opened it and poked his head around the corner, making sure the coast was clear before he would sneak out of his room. So far so good, Seokjin thought. No beast in sight. He closed the door behind him and walked through the hallway. There were a lot of hallways and Seokjin knew he would get lost easily in this confusing maze. But eventually, he ended up on top of the staircase in the enterance hall which was familiar to him, because he took these stairs to the tower. Seokjin carefully walked down the porcelain stairs and noticed Hoseok and Yoongi playing chess by the fireplace, so he went over to them. ''Seokjin, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be wandering in the castle'' . ''But I'm hungry.'' The black-haired male immediatly said to the candelabra who nodded, understanding Seokjin. ''Come with us then!'' Hoseok said excitedly and hopped down from the table with the chess board. ''What are you doing? Do you think master-'' Yoongi started to protest when Hoseok led Seokjin to the dining room and jumped off the table too, walking fast to keep up with them. ''Master won't know a thing. We can't just let the poor boy starve.'' Hoseok interrupted Yoongi who sighed deeply, but kept his mouth shut. They entered the dining room and Seokjin sat down on a chair at the table, looking at Hoseok who hopped on the table. The lights of the dining room slowly dimmed and a spotlight was focused on Hoseok. Seokjin looked up to see Jimin hovering in the air with a silver plate which reflected the moonlight onto the table. Hoseok pulled Yoongi on the table and then stood in the spotlight again, smiling invitingly at Seokjin. ''It is our greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair. As the dining room proudly presents.. Your dinner!'' Hoseok sang and Seokjin chuckled when the candelabra dramaticaly walked towards him. ''Be our guest. Be our guest. Put our service to the test. Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie. And we provide the rest.'' A coat rack handed Seokjin a white napkin, making the black-haired boy grin. Seokjin had never expected the show the servants performed for him, all happily singing and dancing. Plates in all colours were spinning, forks and spoons were dancing on the table, Hoseok was swinging on the diamond chandelier, Jimin was making sure everyone got to be in the spotlight, and Yoongi just shushed everyone but obviously he got ignored by the partying furniture. Seokjin hummed and moved along with everyone, enjoying every second of their amazing performance they set up especially for him. When the singing died down a bit and Hoseok was the only singing, Jimin focused the spotlight on him again. ''Life is so unnerving. For a servant who's not serving. He's not whole without a soul to wait upon. Ah, those good old days when we were useful.'' Hoseok sang while he let his head hang down. Seokjin bit his bottom lip and sat up straight, still listening to the song. Soon, the setting changed into something happier again and Seokjin was moving along to the rhythm of the song again. Eventually, Hoseok ended the song and finished the performance with a pose. Seokjin smiled brightly and clapped in his hands.


Seokjin stood still in front of the staircase, talking to Taehyung. ''I'm really thankful for the dinner. And the show ofcourse! It was the highlight of this whole evening, thankyou so much.'' Seokjin said to Taehyung who smiled. ''It's our pleasure, we love performing, especially Hoseok. It has been ages since someone has been here, so we had to make it perfect for your entertainment. You're our guest, ofcourse.'' Taehyung answered, his voice sounded really caring and warm, and Seokjin already trusted him. Just like all the other servants. They were all so nice to him, even though Yoongi could be cold at times, Seokjin had trusted him too. ''Get to bed, dear boy, it's getting late and tomorrow is a new day.'' Taehyung said and Seokjin nodded. He said goodnight to the servants and then went upstairs. But when he walked into a hallway, he didn't even knew if it was the right one. This castle was so huge and Seokjin had already struggled with leaving his room since he knew he wouldn't remember the way back, but now he indeed had to go back. Slightly hesitating, he walked through the long hallway and then stood in front of the door at the end of the hallway. He walked into the room, which was quite dark. Seokjin noticed the mess in the room and then realised this wasn't his, but that didn't hold him back. As curious as he was, he stepped further in the room. He avoided the shattered glass and torn books on the floor, and walked to a painting that hung on the wall. Almost all of the golden wallpaper was ripped off, showing the white wall. But that wasn't the thing that had sparked his curiousity. The painting was. Seokjin's eyes were focused on the big painting, his head slightly tilted and his gaze was going over the design of the painting. Seokjin noticed that the painting had three claw marks over it. The piece of art showed a boy in the middle, with two adults standing next to him, Seokjin assumed it were the boy's parents. The boy had a crown on his head and a cold gaze, which the painter had captured well. When Seokjin was done with examining the painting, he noticed something different. It was a red rose, trapped under glass. Seokjin walked towards the rose which was sparkling, and then he noticed the petals that had fallen off the beautiful flower. Intrigued, he stuck his hand forward to touch the glass, but he froze in his actions when he heard a familiar growl. He turned around to see the beast standing next to him. His eyes were filled with hatred and he was showing his sharp fangs in anger, making Seokjin feel extremely scared. The young man gasped in suprise, staring up at the angry beast. ''Why did you come here!?'' The beast snarled. ''I-I'm s-sorry, I j-just-'' Seokjin stuttered and then kept his mouth shut, realising there was nothing he could say in an attempt to calm the beast down. ''DO YOU REALISE WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE!?'' The beast yelled, making Seokjin feel terrified. ''GET OUT OF HERE NOW! GO!'' The beast roared, his voice echoeing against the walls of the room. Seokjin immediatly did what the beast said and ran out of the room as fast as he could. He sprinted out of the long hallway and back down the long staircase in the enterance hall. He stood still by the frontdoor, snatching his red cloak from the coatrack who asked him where he was going. Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin also were curious to the sudden hurry of Seokjin. ''What are you doing?'' Hoseok asked him while Seokjin put the hood over his head and turned towards the three servants sitting by the fireplace. ''I can't stay here, I'm sorry!'' Seokjin loudly answered. He opened the frontdoor and ran off the stone staircase while he was met with a snowy weather. Seokjin faintly smiled when he saw Odeng standing by the staircase and quickly untied the reins. He quickly hopped on Odeng, holding the reins in his hands as both of them got out of the gates of the castle.

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