Chapter Five: The Question Of Loyalty

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"Athena, for the love of god, we know you were in the room with Amberle just before she left, we have a reliable eyewitness, there is no point in denying it!" Arion shouted at his younger sister as the remainder of the Elessedil family gathered for the sixth time since the disappearance of their youngest. Athena raised an eyebrow at her oldest brother and looked around the room, glaring at each of them in turn.

"Oh, your eyewitness?" she hissed. "You choose to believe a love-sick child over your own sister. I will say this one last time. I have no idea where she went, I was never there."

"The boy tells a different story!" Arion shouted walking down the steps to his sister.

"He lies!" Athena shouted back, squaring up to her brother.

"Enough!" Eventine bellowed from his throne. He had his head resting on the side, leaning on his hand. "Enough." He muttered once more. "My granddaughter, Aine's daughter is missing and could come to harm. If you know anything, Athena, anything at all! you must tell us. She could be dead for all we know." Eventine begged, glaring at his daughter and she shrunk under his gaze. Swallowing her guilt, she met his eyes with her own.

"I know nothing." She spat out. Eventine sighed and nodded slowly before standing and walking out of the throne room, signalling the end of their meeting. Athena turned on her heel and stomped towards her room, Ander hot on her trail. They walked in silence until, when they had passed the home guard, Ander grabbed her arm and pushed her into an empty room. She glared at him.

"What?" she spat. "I have said everything I know." Ander chuckled and shook his head.

"I know you Athena." He said. "and not only that but I am an excellent liar so I always know when you're lying." She smiled slightly, his eyes giving him away.

"And I know you Ander." She said sweetly "So I know that you've already spoken to the boy." The smile fell from Ander's face and he moved towards his sister.

"Is it true?" he questioned and she nodded. Ander shook his head disbelievingly and sat on a chair, staring into the fire place. "Impossible." He muttered.

"Not impossible, just highly unlikely." She argued sitting on the floor next to his feet. The young prince looked down upon his sister and sighed again.

"I hope you know what you are doing."

"What do you mean?" she asked confused. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"The world is not a safe one, Athena." He said. "She's out there with no protection and no idea where to go. Now I trust you. I trust you more than anyone else. So, I know that if you have sent her away with no one by her side then there must be a good reason for it. But if she comes back dead, or even harmed, it's on your head." He growled standing up and walking to the door. Athena got up after him and grabbed his hand. He looked down at their entwined hands before up at her face. They stared at each other for a minute before heading out into the corridor.

"My Lord and Lady!" a voice called from behind them as they walked down the hallway. Both siblings turned and looked at the soldier calling them.

"Your highnesses, the Ellcrys, its sick."

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