Chapter Eleven: The Codex of Paranor

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The trio had been riding for the entire night and so by the time they reached the keep, not only was Wil tired, but Athena, much to the dismay of Allanon, had become snappy, sceptical, and just downright annoying in his opinion.

"Athena if you kick me one more time I will throw you off this horse," Allanon said calmly as Athena crossed her arms unhappily and kicked him, lightly in the back of the shins once more. "God, you're so annoying." He muttered quietly, pulling the reins so that his horse stopped on the edge of a canyon. In the middle of said canyon stood a ruined building, known only as the Druids Keep to Allanon and Athena. The princess gasped upon seeing it and jumped off of the horse, walking towards the edge of the canyon.

"There's a great deal of power here." She muttered quietly, watching in awe as thousands of different colours of mists were emitted from the structure. She took another step closer only to be stopped by Allanon who held out his hand, pulling her back from the edge.

"Careful." He said quietly as Wil walked over to the two.

"I can't believe I rode all night for this." He muttered angrily causing Allanon to roll his eyes and Athena pat the druid comfortingly on the arm.

"He's only young, give him time." She suggested as the teenager stomped back to his horse and grabbed his water pack from his bag. Allanon sighed and looked ahead before nodding gently and taking Athena's hand in his.

"Let's go." He muttered pulling her towards the path leading down the canyon and to the sand at the bottom.

"Oi grumpy!" Athena yelled, stopping to see that Wil had not followed the two. "Let's go! We've got land to cover!" the teenager once again rolled his eyes before stomping down the edge to where Athena and Allanon stood.

"For hundreds of years, this fortress was the centre of the Four Lands. The wisest men and women from each race, they were called here to study and train in the art of magic." Allanon said as Wil arrived next to them. There was silence as the trio stared at the ruin in awe before Wil opened his mouth to speak.

"It's just a ruin," he said bitterly and Allanon turned to face him with a look of disgust on his face. Before the druid could open his mouth to speak, however, Athena quickly pushed her way in between the two, once again resting her hand on Allanon's arm.

"This is sacred ground, Wil. Don't touch anything." she scolded, subtly pushing Allanon away from the boy and closer to the keep. Wil furrowed his eyebrows in anger and stomped towards the entrance of the ruin after Allanon, leaving the princess standing alone.

"Nicely handled." A voice said from behind her and the girl smiled upon hearing the Ellcrys.

"We are already in a war, no need to start another one," she muttered lightly and the Ellcrys chuckled, moving to stand next to the girl. The two women stood staring at the keep in silence.

"He's here isn't he?" Athena asked and the Ellcrys nodded sadly.

"He waits inside, he will go for Allanon." She explained and Athena nodded. "He does not yet know about the son of Shannara."

"Let's keep it that way," Athena muttered as she watched the red mist of the Dagada Mor encircle the keep, dominating the powers of good that rested inside.

"Tread with caution, my dear." The Ellcrys whispered as a burning sensation appeared on the princess's arm as a leaf from the vines burned away. "Another leaf has fallen, he is becoming more and more powerful." Athena hissed and rubbed the spot on her arm where the leaf once was before looking up at the keep once more. She sighed sadly and headed towards the entrance, stopping only when the red mist gathered at the door, almost like it was scanning her as she walked through. She took a deep breath and stepped through the mist, gulping as she felt it examine her from the inside out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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