Chapter Seven: The Áγγελος

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Allanon stormed into the sanctuary, stopping a few meters away from the tree, mouth slightly parted in awe. No matter how many times he was summoned before the Ellcrys, the sight never failed to take his breath away. Athena let loose a small chuckle from behind him and overtook the stationary figure, walking forward and kneeling before the tree. There she sat waiting for Allanon to join her, but the druid did not move.

"Like what you see?" she asked without turning to face the man. Unbeknown to her, his eyes flicked down to her figure for a brief moment and he nodded slightly. She turned to face him and his eyes immediately flew back up to the Ellcrys.

"No matter how many times I stand in its presence, I am always astounded by its beauty. It truly is the most beautiful sight in the four lands." He muttered, finally moving to stand by Athena, looking down at her once again. She looked up at the druid and smiled softly. He smiled back at her, equal amounts of affection shown on his face, and offered his hand down to her so that she may stand. Together they turned to face the tree. She inhaled deeply.

"Scared?" he asked, surprise laced within his voice.

"Always." She replied and the druid furrowed his eyebrows.

"What of?"

"I'm scared that we will find out something that will foretell to a great deal of pain."

"Oh, most certainly." Allanon muttered staring up at the Ellcrys. "But whatever it is, I will be by your side." He whispered and the princess squeezed his hand tighter. He looked at her once more, their eyes meeting for a brief second before they both nodded and placed their hands on the tree.

It was different this time. The vision that is. She wasn't in her bedroom, like in all the previous visions. Instead of her usual brightly lit room, Athena found herself encased in a canopy of trees so dense, that the sunlight was almost non-existent. She was sitting on a small tree stump and a river flowed beside her, leading to what sounded like a waterfall. Little fairy-like creatures jumped atop flowers and rocks which graced both the stream and the meadow surrounding. Athena stood and looked around the picturesque scene. Caught up in its beauty, she had not acknowledged the absence of one key figure until now.

"Allanon?" she yelled, looking around the forest. No reply was heard. She tried again.

"Allanon?" she yelled, louder this time.

"He is not here child." A voice came from behind her. Athena turned and caught sight of a woman standing behind her. She was dressed all in white. Robe and dress both, shining in the sunlight. A hood rested over her head, and yet her wavy golden hair could still be seen caressing her face and ending by her waist. Her skin was as pale as fresh winters snow, and her beauty was unparalleled.

"Where's Allanon?" Athena tried. "Who are you and what are you doing in my head?" she demanded. The woman chuckled lightly.

"My child, it is you who are in my head." The woman answered simply. "And Allanon, he is safe, he is in another part of...well me." She chuckled lightly. "You both have different paths to take, and while they are entwined, you each must play your part in order to save the race of the elves."

"I'm sorry what?" Athena mumbled quietly, getting more confused by the minute. The woman sighed and placed her arm comfortingly around the shoulders of Athena.

"Come child," she said pulling the princess towards a small cottage that had suddenly appeared. "Time moves differently here, and luckily too, for we have a lot to talk about."

The cottage was as beautiful inside as it was out. It was small, with only one room and had a humongous fireplace which took up the most of it. In front of the fireplace were two armchairs. The lady went and sat in one and gestured for Athena to sit opposite her. They sat for a moment in silence before the lady spoke.

"My identity, a query that has been dancing across your thoughts for the good part of our time together, is of no concern. Not who I was anyway. I am known now, only as the Ellcrys." The woman said and Athena's mouth fell open but the woman left no time for interruptions.

"I am dying." She said matter-of-factly, "Soon. And when I do the entire demon army which has been kept at bay due to my powers, will be unleashed." She paused again, waiting for the princess to absorb the information. "In order for the Elvin race to survive, a seed must be placed inside of me so that I may regrow."

"seed." Athena said to herself before looking up at the Ellcrys. "Where do we find the seed?"

The woman shook her head softly.

"You have already found it." She answered and Athena looked at her quizzically. "Your niece, Amberle. She is the seed. Her sacrifice will save the race of the elves and restore peace to the four lands." Athena stood with a bang, her chair scraping backwards across the floor. She shook her head violently.

"No I will let no harm come to that girl." She protested. "I have lost her father, my brother, already and I promised him his daughter would be kept safe. I will not go back on that promise." The Ellcrys stood and stepped towards her.

"Harm?" she questioned. "I have seen the future and if she does not step into her role. She will be murdered and tortured, you all will be. Your people your family, you. Her sacrifice not only will provide you and your people with safety, but her as well. No harm will fall upon her if she takes up the role of Ellcrys." Athena tried to protest again, but found no words of resistance. The Ellcrys was right. It was a better alternative than death, it always would be. The princess closed her eyes and swallowed harshly.

"And I suppose my role is to what... prepare the lamb for slaughter." She said bitterly, sitting down once more.

"On the contrary," The Ellcrys said, mirroring her moves. "That is the job of Allanon, your job is much harder."

"Oh, yippee!" Athena muttered sarcastically, resting her head upon her hand.

"Your fate is tied to that of Allanon's. He is your mate, and a mate of a druid has more power than the druid itself." The Ellcrys said again and Athena rolled her eyes.

"Great!" she said, "My job is to look after the 'love of my life' day and night. Geez! Ever heard of feminism lady." The Ellcrys chuckled once again.

"There was a human myth, many millions of years ago." She started. "About a god, who had extraordinary amounts of power and a beautiful wife. He was the God that created the druids. Beings as almost as powerful as he, and wiser still. However, this god, like many man, was unfaithful always to his beautiful wife, and so she grew vengeful. In revenge for his infidelity, she created a race of beings called the άγγελος. They were the druids one weakness and the druids could not resist the charms of these immortal beings, and so fell under their sway. Centuries passed and both races lost some of their power, however, the druid was always drawn to the άγγελος, and as he weakened, she rose. The άγγελος became the protectors of the druid race, the oracles if you like. They were able to predict the future and in times of need, use power of their own." The Ellcrys finished. She rose and knelt before the princess. "As Allanon is the last druid of Paranor, you are the last άγγελος. You have an extraordinary amount of power, passed down by your sisters, which had only been enhanced since his arrival and therefore this task has fallen to you. The άγγελος were not only protectors of the druids the were also known protectors of the world. Your task, and whilst in your eyes it may seem tiresome, is the most important yet. You will protect both, Amberle, Allanon and myself. You have the power to defeat any demons that come your way, meaning you will be a target of the Dagada Mor and the most vital part of our army. Trust in Allanon and trust in yourself." She placed a hand on Athena's cheek and wiped away a solitary tear. "The journey will be a perilous one, the fate of the four lands rests on your shoulders my child." 

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