Chapter 19

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Jake's Pov
Me and Erika were just talking and showering having a good time until she dropped I caught her but I don't know why this keeps happening to her.

J: Erika!!! Baby wake up

I picked her up and got her dressed in some shorts and my sweater and of course some under garments and ran to Tessa again.

J: Tessa!! Tessa!!!

T: what Jake?!

J: help me please

T: what happened this time

J: we were in the shower just talking and I said something to her and she just dropped.

T: Jake that's not enough information for me to tell what's going on so you need to go to the hospital now.

I ran to my car so fast I could play the role of flash without the special effects.


J: Help!! Help me please!

N1: what can I do for you sir

J: me and girlfriend were showering just talking and then she just dropped and passed out. Last time this happened she went into cardiac arrest.

N1: alright we need a crash cart and Dr. Chen

J: no I want to best damn doctor you have here.

N1: don't worry he is the best.

J: okay good

N1: okay sir I'm going to have to take her away so I need you to sit in the waiting room and ok I'll come to you immediately.

J: thank you so much

N1: no problem

*45 minutes later*

N1: uh Jake Paul?

J: that's me

N1: can you come with me please.

J: are we going to see my girlfriend

N1: not just yet but we are going to see Dr. Chen

J: okay

Dc: hello Nurse and Jake

J: hi

N1: I'll leave you too it

Dc: thank you

J: so is she okay

Dc: well Jake Every time I tell someone this it gets harder and harder Every time

J: please tell me she is okay

Dc: Jake she has stage 2 brain cancer.

Everything froze I had this sharp pain in my chest I couldn't move my whole world was going down hill I couldn't breath I couldn't cry i was dead inside.

J: what

Dc: I'm so sorry Jake

J: can I see her

Dc: of course

J: wait...when are you going to tell her?

Dc: Once she wakes up... Now let's go see her.

*with Erika*

J: can I be alone with her please

Dc: of course

The doctor leaves and I look at Erika with tears in my eyes.

J: Erika I love you so much I need you to wake up for me I want to see your beautiful eyes I want to hold you and tell you everything is going to be fine, I can't lose you Erika you are my everything I may have Logan but I can't live without you we are going to fight this together me and you.

When I finish my cheesy speech I see Erika's eyes open.

E: ugh what happened

J: doctor

Dc: yes Jake...oh hi Erika

E: hi

I just look down scared to see her reaction to what is about to happen next.

Dc: Erika I have to tell you something

He sits down and I grab Erika's hand

E: what's going on

Dc: Erika I'm sorry to tell you that you have stage 2 brain cancer.

Erika's Pov
Jake looked at me waiting for a response he was waiting to comfort me. I didn't cry I couldn't I just wanted to go home.

E: uh when can I go home?

Dc: um anytime you want

E: I want to go now where are my clothes

Dc: they are over there I leave you to go get dressed and Jake already filled out the paper work so you can just leave after.

E: thanks

I get dressed and go over to Jake grab his hand and pull him outside to his car.

J: Erika calm down

E: I'm fine Jake let's just go home

*at the dorm room*

I walk in the room and I hits me right there I'm going to die anytime now it could be in 30 days, 30 hours, or even 30 minutes. I just break down screaming louder than words can describe. Jake come over to me and holds me.

E: Jake I'm going to die

J: no your not don't say that we are going to get through this together

E: it's all over Jake.

J: no it's not it's me and you as long as we have that it's not over.

I just cry and cry I'm dying what did I ever do to deserve this. I just stop crying as fast as a snap.

E: you know what I'm tired let's go to sleep

J: you just slept for hours

E: I might of been asleep but I was still awake

J: alright then let's go to sleep

Jake's Pov
Erika fell asleep quite fast I just sat there thinking I know this is eating Erika up inside but she won't let me in I don't want admit it but she said she was dying I said the thing that I thought could make her feel somewhat better but I'm am reality all I could think of was her dying. I eventually fell asleep.

887 words

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