Chapter 3: Woman in white

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"Those bastards." I murmured, "they thought I was gonna forgive them that easily." I snorted, turning around a corner. "Idiots."

A gasp escaped me before I could stop it. A Griever was right in front of me and I let it know I was here. My heart leaped in my chest for one insane second... Or it could have been a minute, as I continued to stare at the Griever. The creature snarled at me before turning away.

Did the shucking thing just leave me alone?

I stood there for what seemed like eternity before curiosity got the better of me and I followed it. The Griever seemed oblivious to the fact that I was right behind it, or it knew and didn't care. It turned around a corner, then another, then another till it was joined by four more Grievers.

'What in the-'

A scream cut through the air. Bouncing off the dark walls of the maze. It seemed to come from everywhere, so loud it felt like it tore right through me. My body froze, something lightly squeezing my chest. The Grievers didn't even react to it as they continued their way onwards.

I snapped out of my daze and quickly followed them, terror and curiosity nagging at me. The Grievers seemed to know exactly when to turn and move.

Soon the surrounding walls changed into something I recognized, but the Grievers kept on moving, this time speeding up a bit. I start jogging to catch up with them, my arms occasionally brushing against the vine. We turned a corner and my heart skipped a beat.


I took a few steps back, feeling like I was just slapped.

The doors... They were wide open...something was wrong, very very wrong.

Another scream broke out, this time worn out, followed by the Grievers screeching. I jumped and took a few more steps back, ready to take off when I saw it.

At first it made no sense as the Grievers approached, then I really saw it. It looked like a body. The Griever continued rolling with it, leaving behind a trail of blood. Bile crept up my throat.

Then without a second thought, I ran. I ran as fast as I could, turning around corners, hopping over fallen vines, blind in the dark. The image of the body popped back in my mind and I sped up, my legs started burning and my breathing came out in pants as I raced. Bile rose up my throat as I remembered how limp the body was. Still I pushed myself to go on.

Almost there.

My vision blurred and the ground seemed to sway under my feet. I turned left and slipped. My whole body went limp when I hit the ground, the distant whirl of Grievers fading away. I tried to lift my head up only for it to smack back down.

Then I heard the click-clack of heels approach me. Surprised, I pushed my head up, using all my strength to get a glimpse.

A woman dressed in white smiled at me, her hair pulled back in a tight bun. My energy drained and I drop on the gravel, tiny jabs of pain spreading over my cheeks. I shut my eyes and hoped to pass out already. I couldn't even think straight, much less feel my toes.

Darkness slowly took hold of me, ravishing every second of pain.

"It's time."

Before I could do anything, the darkness embraced me and I fell.

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