Chapter 21 (Edited)

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"January 3rd, ####

I shouldn't be writing this down in this, especially when anyone can just pick up my journal and read it but I think something happened to me. Lately, I've been hearing voices, voices that are both male and female. And I realized that those voices are from people all around me.

I can hear people's thoughts. It's kinda creepy but how did I even get these powers? Who knows. Although, it kinda gets really annoying. I can't control it to stop! During school test, All I can hear is
"Shit! I forgot to study!"
"I'm definitely getting a 100 percent ha. ha. ha. Ugh, who am I kidding! I'm failing!"
"Maybe—If I just~ look at someone's paper..."
"There's no way I'm doing this"
"Three point fourteen times six divided by two!?! What is this?? Did we learn this in seventh grade?"

Yeah... Kill me.
When I'm around my friends, there thoughts are usually positive at times. But with Tommy, I found something out that he probalbbby didn't want anyone knowing. He was self harming himself. He's so insecure about his arms and so he wears sweaters or long sleeved shirts. How could I have not noticed?

That broke my heart that he's doing that. I told Ashlie since she's also close with Tommy, she's close with everyone. Me and Ashlie talked about this with him but I have a feeling he's still doing it.

Nick is my best bud and we hang out with each other. He'd come over to my house and play video games then we'd go outside for a bit. Then we came across Dawn and soon everyone else and we all would throw snowballs at each other that seemed that went on for hours and hours, all day long. Eventually, we all went to my house and warmed ourselves up and drank hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Haha, Ashlie got a milk mustache. "

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If you are new to reading this and the next chapter doesn't make sense, please do not read it. It's mainly because I didn't edit it yet. So you're just gonna have the wait until I have updated the next chapter.

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