Short Valentines Prequel

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Ops this is late.

The cool air was a breeze. The sky was clear as the clouds traveled across the sky. The color of the sky was orange mixed with yellow and purple. There were people who took their valentines out to eat or just hang out back at home. They passed each other cards, chocolate, flowers, stuffed teddy bears that have a label saying 'I Love You' on it.

Jon was hanging out with his Friends, Cory, Nick, Ashlie, Uni, Tommy and Dawn. They all were at Ashlie's house, hanging out in front of the T.V. as the movie Harry Potter was on.

Jon walked over to Ashlie, who was sitting down on the couch, and said "Hey Ashlie" She turned her head to look at Jon and smiled "Hey" "Here. This is for you" Jon pulled out a box of strawberries that are covered in chocolate with white frosting all around it. "Oh my gosh, thank you Jon. I love it!" She took the box and took a second to look at it. Everyone else gave Ashlie special little gifts for her for being such a generous friend.

Nick walked up behind Jon and stood between the two "Do you guys wanna go get some pizza?" "Sure" said Jon "Let's go!" Said Ashlie as she got up quickly and jogged up to the front door.

Nick and Jon followed behind as they saw Uni, Tommy and Dawn already in the car. Tommy stuck his head out the window and shouted "Come on! Get in already, I've been waiting for an hour" Nick rolled his eyes as he laughed. The both of them, Nick and Jon, got in the car as Dawn drove the car.

Nick, Ashlie, and Jon chit chattered with each other as the other did their own chatter. Tommy decided to interfere and made his way in the conversation "You can't wait 'till its March? No way! Me too! Can't wait to follow the rainbow that leads to the yellow brick wall, get sucked in a tornado and almost getting killed by the wicked witch of the-" "Tommy." Said Nick trying not to laugh but just feeling confused as he raised his eyebrow "What?" "Wat" Said Jon "Wat" Said Ashlie "I'm so confusssed!" Whined Nick. Tommy just shrugged and looked out the window.

He quickly whipped his head around and shook the nearest person near him. Cory. "OH MY GOD!" Shouted Tommy "Holy crap Tommy!' Cory said but you could barely hear it from Tommy's shouting "WE'RE HERE! IMMA OUTTA HERE" At the perfect timing, Dawn was able to park and stop the car in time before Tommy jumped out of the car.

Tommy started running inside and we all laughed as we took our time walking there. "Welp" Said Uni "Well guys," Said Cory "Happy Valentines?" Said Jon in a questioned voice "Nah, more like Happy Pizza Day" Replied Dawn. Tommy was near us and heard what the group was saying "Or Happy Pizzeria Valentines-ia Day" Said Tommy

To be continued...

I have no idea.

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