Chapter 2: Evil is Upon Us

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    They had been walking for a long time just enjoying the peacefulness of the forest. The children never left the temple grounds often unless they went with the monks to assist in carrying supplies to and from the temple. Later on in the day they had finally reached their destination. Kyo and Hanako left the group to speak with the village headmen to ask permission to live in the village for a couple of weeks while the others familiarize themselves with their possible new home.

"Did you hear about the Seven Man Mound splitting into two?" asked a farmers hand to his employer.

"Hai, they say it is due to the resurrection of the Shichinintai," nodded the farmer, "we must be weary of travelers now."

'Wait... could it be true that the Shichinintai could be alive once again? We must find Hanako and Kyo to discuss what we have just heard.'  thought Mamoko as she turned to Kimiko who must have been thinking the same as she.

"I believe it's time we go to look for Kyo and Hanako," Kimiko stated. Everyone began walking back to where they had first split from the other two to start looking from there.

As they were nearing the village center Kisa spotted Kyo and run up to him excitedly and attached herself to her brother.

"So big brother how did it go? What did the headman say?" she asked as he chuckled at her actions while everyone else caught up to them.

"We are welcome to stay but only temporarily," he began once everyone was close, "these villagers are quite nervous about newcomers so we must be on our best behavior, understand?"

Everyone nodded their understanding as Mamoko spoke up, "Hanako we overheard some interesting news just now," Hanako turned to her friend with a raised brow.

"Yes, they speak of the resurrection of the Shichinintai..." finished Kimiko as she saw her friends hazel eyes grow wide and face pale out.

After a moment of silence as she gathered her thoughts and undercame her momentary shock, "well then let us hope they do not pass through this village until after we are long gone. Mt. Hakurai is far off toward the north."

"They're our fathers though, would they harm us?" asked Haruhi, "or more importantly would they harm any of you?"

"Haruhi has a point," Takashi pointed out, "if they do pass through the village while we are still here would we be in any danger? What is it that you are keeping from us?" all 4 children eyed their mothers who all looked at Hanako.

Hanako sighed, "let us move into our new hut and then we shall speak of your fathers. Does that sound fair?" the group nodded. Kyo and Hanako lead them to the outer rim of the village to a nicely sized hut that could comfortably fit all of them.

As the group unpacked they were not under the suspicion that they were being watched. Deep within Mt. Hakurai Naraku, the half demon who is solely in search for the Sacred Jewel, was eyeing the group carefully through the mirror of his incarnation, Kana.

"Kana do we know what element belongs to whom?" he asked calmly to the albino child.

"Yes, Kyo holds the wind element, his sister Kisa fire, Takashi the water element and lastly Haruhi holds earth," she recited emotionlessly as Naraku held a cheshire like grin across his face.

"We shall watch them for now, and I will plan my moves accordingly," his voice full of determination and malice.

--- Back within the village---

As the day passed and evening came the chores were finally finished, everyone settled into the large living space and sat. Hanako, Kimiko, and Mamoko sat next to each other in a line facing their children.

"Alright so what is this all about exactly?" asked Takashi

"Yes you didn't really seem to want to answer whether or not if our fathers showed up, if we would be safe," stated Kyo wondering what his mother had been keeping from them, since it wasn't often that there were secrets.

Hanako sighed and looked to her friends who all didn't seem too thrilled either of having to tell their children the darker parts of their fathers.

"You all know your fathers were mercenaries, but just because you share their blood does not mean they will welcome you with open arms," started Kimiko nervously.

"Don't think ill of them though, they are vastly loyal. But only to those within their band," added Mamoko.

"We fled your fathers' after discovering that Kimiko was pregnant with Haruhi," Hanako began, "Suikotsu is one who despises children due to the pure half of him so we feared for the life of both Kimiko and the baby."

"Soon after we also discovered I myself along with Hanako were pregnant," added Mamoko.

The children all looked at their mothers as they soaked in the new information. Kisa nervously played with her kimono, "I fear they might kill you all purposefully if they find you..." she whispered.

Kyo wrapped and arm around his sister to try and comfort her, "Kisa is right, from what I've heard of the Shichinintai they're ruthless killers. You all fleeing them could have been an act of betrayal in their eyes." The room fell silent once again as the crickets outside began to churp signalling the sun had fully set and the moon was rising.

Haruhi broke the silence, "Did you love them? And did they love you in return?" she asked eyeing her mother.The women hesitated for a moment as they thought carefully about the question.

"Yes I believe they did love us, they were people who everyone else didn't treat like they were humans. We saw what no one else did in them," Mamoko answered her daughter.

"There are no such things as evil people or black hearts, only evil actions and bad decisions..." recited Kisa giving a small smile to her mother.

"That's right, I always told that to Bankotsu after they returned to us from a job," she said looking out of the window distantly, "I always wanted him to remember that even if the rest of the world didn't label him a human then I always will in the very least."

After this everyone dispersed into their own rooms to rest for the night. Allowing for a soft sleep to blanket them all for the peace they feel now won't last forever.

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