This wasn't requested by anyone
🙊Imagine you are Joseph Tate's little sister, you are 15 and have autism, it effects every aspect of your life. You were diagnosed with autism when you were a year old and your pretty high up on the ASD spectrum. Your older brother is your legal guardian and career, you also have a support worker who takes you out to give Joseph a break, you always go into work with him and do your school work online, to you it's better than being around people.
"Come on Y/N" Joesph try's to get you to put your shoes on, you were having a meltdown, you were screaming and shouting; you didn't want to get your shoes on because your routine had been changed. You were moving into home farm today so of corse your usual routine had to change but you didn't understand, you were confused.
"It's not right! It's not right" you Screamed wanting to do your usual routine, evreything was a mess in your head and you didn't know what was going on.
"Come on princess listen, we're moving into our new home today, evreything will be back to normal tomorrow I promise" Joe tried to calm you down as he knelt down in front of you taking your hands in his to try and calm you down.
"It's not right!" You Screamed again as you kicked about, Joe looked you in the eyes and pulled you into a hug.
"Come on lets get your shoes on, we will go to the shops if your a good girl" he tried to convince you, you hated the shops and evreything about busy places, people thought because you were 15 you shouldn't be acting like you do but with autism nothing is the same. You find it hard to make eye contact and talk to people you don't know; sometimes even people you do know, you don't see the danger in things for example roads, you'd just walk out of you were on your own. Joe managed to get your shoes on your feet and you to stand up, he had your bag on his shoulder while you were holding your rabbit blanket which is one of your comfort toys.
"Right now we're going to get into the car, go to home farm and I'll show you your new room" Joe told you as he explained the next step of your day to help you understand what was going on
"My new room same as my one here?" You asked still calming down from your meltdown, you wanted your room the same, it wouldn't be right if it was different.
"Your room is almost the same princess, you know when you told me you wanted a rainbow? Now you have one in your room" Joes soft and caring side showed more as he began explaining your room to you.
"I have a rainbow?" You asked confused. What did he mean you had a rainbow!, was it real? We're two of the questions running through your mind. Joe continued to explain your room to you as he drove up a long drive way which lead to home farm. Yourself and joe got out the car and he lead you inside, you looked around, this was where your dad died, you remembered Joe telling you. Joe showed you around downstairs and then took you upstairs to your new room, you went inside and looked around, it wasn't right, not to you anyway, the newly painted wall with the rainbow on threw you, you wanted it like your old room, all blue walls with your pastel pink carpet.
"What do you think Y/N?" Joe asks you, you just shake your head.
"It's not right" you mumbled not making eye contact with your brother, it told him something was wrong. You didn't like the fact that one wall was completely different, you thought it was odd.
"What's wrong Y/N?" Joe asked you but you just shook your header you wanted your old room. Joe took your hands you explained you hated it not being like your old room, you hated change as it was and this was a massive change. You and Joe went downstairs, Graham was here too talking to Joe and you stood with him in the hall way,
Clutching to his side as removal men walk in and out bringing boxes."I really want to go to go in their you know" Joe said to Graham, you wanted to know why you were curious.
"Is that where he" Graham asked before walking into the rooms
"It's just a room" he tells your older brother. You zone out, your own little world which you preferred when their were loads of people about. You soon heard Joe talking about your dad and your old step mother Charity, she was never even their for you or Joe, she couldn't cope with the fact you were disabled (autism is a disability before anyone says otherwise) soon you were in the kitchen doing some colouring while joe did some unpacking while talking to Graham. Two people walked into the house and you tenced up.
"Get our" you freaked. You got off the stool and left the room going into your older brothers room, they wouldn't find you their. You knocked a box of paperwork over and saw your birth certificate, you never knew your real Mum or so you thought. You picked up the paper and read through it quickly father: Christopher Tate; Mother: Charity Tate. You looked at the paper confused, your mum was infact who your dad told you was your step dad, you were a exemptional reader and writer, like most autistic children you shone at certain things, you went downstairs with the certificate seeing the two people still in the kitchen. You were scared and on a verge of having another meltdown as Joe realised you found your birth certificate.
"Joe why did daddy tell me my mummy left me when I was born? It says here that my mummy is Charity, she was our step mum" you questioned your brother handing him the certificates joe sighed only seconds before the two people who came in left again and joe explained evreything to you.