Chapter 4- The Graduation Exam

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“Well, Alright. If you say so…” I sighed when I finally calmed down.

Having a friend is so troublesome yet so weird at the same time… I want to listen to my music now… I got bored and started to creep out of the classroom with my earphones plugged in my IPod. I gave a salute to a laughing Kiba, an oddly entertained Naruto and a half-asleep Shikamaru looking at me strangely.


Nobody else in the class noticed that I was gone until the bell rang…


 Chiaki’s POV

Today was the day of the Graduation exam; I woke up tiredly and started to change into my usual ninja outfit. I sighed loudly and began to make my way to the kitchen to grab some food before heading out the door. Oh yeah I just remembered that Naruto lives right next to my place. Should I check on him? Why not?

I strode over to Naruto’s door and decided to knock on it, after 3 minutes of waiting impatiently I chose to walk right inside once I found out that he didn’t even lock the stupid door. Don’t tell me he’s still sleeping? We’re both going to be late unless I wake him up.

There was a faint sound of someone snoring.  Must be Naruto, gotta go wake him up I guess… I quickly walked to the source of that annoying sound and found Naruto sleeping peacefully on his bed but his blanket was lying on the floor. I started shaking his shoulders vigorously making his hand bob up and down a lot.

“Wake up Naruto! Freakin’ hell, if you don’t wake up I’ll steal all your ramen and eat it!” I roared dangerously. “..WHAT?! DON’T WORRY MY RAMEN! I’M COMING TO SAVE YOU!! ...Huh?.. Oh, Chi-chan! What are you doing here?” Naruto asked looking up at my irritated expression.

“What am I doing here? What are YOU doing still in your bed? I came to check on you baka!” I sighed. Did he just call me ‘Chi-chan’? What’s with people giving me nicknames these days, first Kiba starts it and now Naruto is following his example.

“Anyways hurry up and change already! I’ll leave if you don’t finish preparing in 10 minutes!” I told him. As soon as I finished that sentence, Naruto ran into his bathroom leaving dust behind his tracks. I sweat dropped and sighed for the second time today. Why did I even bother coming to his apartment?


“Chiaki! Naruto! You’re both late!” Iruka yelled. I calmly walked to my seat next to Kiba when Naruto shouted rubbing his hand behind his hair sheepishly. “Gomen Iruka-sensei I was helping an old lady with Chi-chan!”

Many whispers were around the classroom as eyes were all turned on me. “Looks like Naruto is calling you another nickname as well huh? Akiiiiii” he teased. “Urasai baka I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I calmly stated “Sureeeee” he joked.

“Is this true Chiaki?” Iruka questioned me. “Yeah, it’s true Iruka-sensei.” I spoke irritated. Why couldn’t he think of a better excuse? Oh well, he’s Naruto afterall.

“Anyway,” Iruka said clearing his throat “We’re starting the exam! When I call your name, head over to the next room to take the test. I will be examining you along with another teacher. The test will be on the clone jutsu.” He started calling out names. I glanced over seeing Naruto sink into his seat with a defeated look. I guess he’s worried about this particular jutsu. Wait a minute… Is this the part where Sasuke and Naruto kiss? OMG I have to get my IPod out!

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