Chapter 13

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Hello babes! I have been really busy and i will be busy for the next week or two. SO i may only get one chapter in a week! I will try my best. NOUIS OR NIAM? COMMENT, READ, AND VOTE. LUV YOU!


Chapter 14

            We had to leave that night for another show in Toronto. It was a really awkward and silent ride to the city. Nobody talked or wanted to talk. Harry was upset and didn’t want to look at Lou or me. Lou fell asleep on my shoulder and was snoring lightly in my ear. Liam wouldn’t take his eyes off of him because he was afraid he would make a move. Zayn sat awkwardly over in the corner talking to his new girlfriend quietly on the phone. Nobody knew about his girlfriend until today. Her name was Layla.

            “Yah, hey babe? I will talk to you later.” He murmured.

            “Alright….. I love you too.” He shut his phone. He laid his head on the back of his chair.

            “So lads, what do you want to do tonight?” I asked trying to break the silence. They all looked up shrugged and went back to what they were doing.

            “I know what you and I should do, Niall.” Liam winked. I frowned; I knew he was trying to get Louis jealous.

            “Like what Liam?” I asked plainly. He winked and grabbed my hand and kissed it. He leaned forward so he was close to my ear.

            “Anything you want.” He bit my ear lobe playfully. I turned my head towards him and kissed his lips. I tried not to move and to keep Lou;s head in the same place. I licked his lips seductively. He opened his eyes and I noticed how close he was to me. His eyes squinted and his lips moved upwards. I smiled to and pulled away. I gave him a small smile and looked at Louis. He was still fast asleep on my arm. I looked at the boys and their mouths were open. Their eyes shifted from Liam to me.

            “What?” I asked innocently. They both looked away. The car stopped and the door opened. Everyone piled out except for me and Lou. I shook his shoulders gently. He woke up with a groan. His hair was messed up and standing upwards. He stretched his good arm. He looked at me and did a quick look around. He kissed my cheek softly. How was I supposed to say no to that flawless face?

            “It’s time to go Lou.”

            “But I just wanna stay here with you.” He frowned. Our personal driver already went into our new hotel. We left yesterday when we checked out of the hospital. Nobody was around. They were probably getting unpacked.

            “I can’t. But no one is around. So maybe just a little.” I leaned forward and kissed his lips. The spark happened again. I pulled back and grinned. He gave me a small smile. He leaned forward again and pressed his lips to mine. He pressed himself to my chest and made me fall backward onto the seat. He climbed on top of me. One knee was on one side and the other was on the other side. He leaned down and kissed my lips. I just couldn’t get close enough to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers up in his hair. I pulled gently on him, he groaned against my lips.

            “I got to go. Me and Liam have” I leaned up and pushed him off me. He frowned but replied, “Are you serious?”

            “I’m sorry.” I kissed him one last time on his forehead. I opened up the door and walked into our hotel. I took the elevator up and met Liam by the stairs.

            “You ready?”

            “Wow. You look amazing. Yah, lets go.”

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