Chapter 17

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Hey guys. Book almost over. I know and i'm sorry. I have really enjoyed it and hopefully i will continue a new one soon. I love you all and give me some of your last words. Thanks and i have really enjoyed this.


Chapter 17

"I think he is coming to it." I heard my lifel-saver stand up.

"Hazz?" My voice was rocky and broken. I tried to lean upward but i couldn't and fell back to the bed. I winced as my arm touched the sheets. My head burned and my feet were pulsing. My blondish hair was stuck to my forehead. There was only Zayn and Harry. Where was Liam and Lou? I thought they were the ones that were supposed to be my lifesavers. Both of them always said how they would never let me go and hold me when i got hurt. Well at this point in time it seems like Harry loves me more then they do.

"Whats wrong dear?" He came over and kissed my forehead, He brushed little strands of hair away from my face. I melted into his hand. It was soft and comforting.

"Where is Liam and Lou?" I choked out. I started crying. All of this was to much for me. I couldn't stand to stay here. Everything that had just happened and is happening is ruining my life. 

His face turned into a frown. "Lou fell. He got a concussion and he hurt his ankle. well.... actually he broke it." My eyes went wide as i struggled to get up. A huge hand pushed me back up. It was Zayn.

"You are not moving." He growled.

"God. What crawled up you pants and died. I just wanna go see Lou and Liam. THats all. Now let me go." I growled back.

"Why the fuck would i do that? Niall, why didn't you tell any of us about this texter person. She has been harrassing you for like 2 weeks. You haven't said a word.  Thank god that bitch is in jail. I hope she rots in hell for all i care. Your god damn lucky Harry forgot his jacket or we would have never seen you again." He screamed. I have never heard him say so many cuss words. I hung my head in shame. I didn't mean to. I just...i just didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Niall. We love you and we could never see you hurt."

"Harry. Stop. Niall has to realize what he did to us. All of us." He screamed. WHy was he being such a douche. He was about to start agian when Harry cut in.

"Zayn. Get out." He stated.

"What?" Zayn asked confused.

"Get out. You screaming at him is making his condition worse. Get out." 

"Are you fucking ser-"

"Yes I am. I am fucking serious. Out now Zayn." Zayn looked lost, confused, and bewildered. He got up and gave me a glare and stomped out. I let out a sigh. I didn't want him to be here any more. I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"Thanks Hazz." I smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around me. His face was deep in my chest sobbing. Why did I hurt everyone I touched. I held onto him and rubbed his back. 

"Don't leave me ever again Niall. I love you and i am so sorry." He sobbed into my shirt. I didn't care who was watching. I liftted his chin and kissed his lips. Soft and beautiful.


I woke up in the hospital with Liam standing above me watching me in adoration. He was pretty but my head was pounding so bad all i could do is groan. I rubbed my temples and then a spark of pain ran down my leg. I whimpered.

"I didn't mean to kiss you." He whispered. I nodded.

"I understand completely, heat of the moment stuff. I was actually thinking the same thing at the time. Except i would have never done it. I'm a pussy. Thats why Harry likes me." I grinned cheekily. 

Liam laughed but it wasn't a very humorous one. It was like a forced one. What was wrong with him?



"Whats wrong?"

"Just nothing." He frowned. His brown hair was matted together and his face was a pale white. I reached out towards his hand and he grabbed onto it. I pulled him towards me. I pulled his shoulders down towards me. I brought my lips to his ear. 

"Just tell me what you want." I whispered seductively. I don't know why but he was fun to play with. I let my lips linger and pulled away. He pale face was now a bright red. I giggled.

"I want you." He leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. I leaned into his kiss. He slid his tongue into my mouth and explored my area. I gripped the small hairs on the back of his neck. He moaned on my lips. He kissed my bottom lip and them my top lip, now it was my turn to moan. I swirled my tongue around his. He got on top of the bed and straddled me. He leaned down and kissed my neck. I  moaned and licked his lips. 

"God. Lou. Don't stop." He groaned loudly. He kicked his leg and it hit my ankle. I whimpered. He got off me and gave me a sad look. 

"I'm sorry." I pulled him back to me and kissed his lips. My hands went down his waist and grabbed his bum. I slid my fingers into his pants waiting for rejection. But he didn't. I pulled them around front waiting for a reaction. But he just kept kissing my neck. I gripped his player and it hardened under my touch. I pumped and the rest should be in the Geneus Book of World Records as the best sex every. 

"Damn..." I whispered as both of our chests were moving up and down.

"Darn." He smiled. He leaned over and kissed my cheek making me blush.

"Where did you learn to do that?" I grinned cheekily. He turned a scarlet color and kissed my lips. 

Thats when i realized I had sex with Liam Payne. And it was great.

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