Chapter 15

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~Hunter (I'm freaking out)

Chapter 15

Lou POV still

            I walked, the cold air biting my fagile skin. I, being stupid, forgot my coat. I was in my khaki’s and a polo. Not a lot of people were outside walking. Well, I guess that’s normal since it was still dark and about 4 in the morning. We had about an hour before we could even see the slightest bit of light. I could tell I wasn’t looking very smashing. My hair was a mess, because I ran out and got Niall and came back, then I ran out again.

            “God. I hate my life.” I mumbled under my breath.

            My stomach let out a huge grumbling noise and a laughed. I was hungry. Fantastic. Could this night get any worse? I spoke to soon. Raindrops began to fall out of the big black clouds that were barely visible from the night sky. The moon was almost down and the stars were faintly seen.

            First, the rain was gentle and cold, but then it got hard and unbearable. I ran for cover and ended at a bus station. It was still cold but at least it was dry. I waited there, my head in my hands.

            “Louis?” I heard a familiar voice say. The all to famous voice belonged to Liam. The Liam Payne.

            “Hey Liam.” I hissed. He was honestly the last person I wanted to see. He could obviously tell I didn’t want to either. He gave me a sad look and hung his head. Then I realized why was he at a bus stop.

            “Liam? Why are you at a bus stop?”

            “I could ask you the same thing.” He grumbled. But this was serious.

            “Liam. Why are you at a bus stop?”

            He gave me a sad look. He moved closer to me and put his hand on my thigh. What the hell? “I am leaving Lou. I don’t deserve to be here anymore. I love Niall and the boys and you too much to keep hurting you guys and the fans like this. They love you. I am going back to Wolverhampton. Back to my family. Just tell the boys I love them and I didn’t want to do this. And tell Niall…..that….I’m sorry.” He sniffled out. His eyes were full of tears and mine were wet as well.

            “You don’t have to leave Liam. It won’t solve anything. I honestly don’t know what you were thinking it would solve in the first place.”

            “Niall loves you.” He said bluntly. His brown eyes glaring into my grayish ones. His lips were a thin line. I gave him a shocked look. Loved me? No. No he doesn’t. He loves Liam. I know he does. The way Liam looks at Niall is eternal love.

            “No Liam. He loves you.”

            “He ran away from me…..because….he could say that he only loves me. I love him so much. But if you love something let them go. If it comes back then its yours. If it doesn’t it never was. That was written by some computer genius.” He laughed, but the tears kept coming.

            “That’s why he ran away.” I was speechless. He ran away because he couldn’t say he just loved Liam. And I left him. I left my poor and helpless boy at home. Alone. When he needed me most. Liam buried his head into his soft hands.

            I took his head with my right hand and brought it up to face me. I pushed his hair out of his eyes. I looked him straight in the eyes. He had beautiful eyes. I could see why Niall loved him. He was almost perfect.

            “Don’t leave us Liam.” I said gently. He gave me a small smile, a tear streamed down his face that I was able to capture with my fingers. I pulled him into a big and comforting hug. I have been so mad a Liam lately and now I feel so bad. He just wanted to have the boy that he has always loved without any competition, just like me. I kissed his head gently and held him tighter. I wanted to comfort him.

            He pulled away from me. I looked into his eyes and couldn’t help but want to kiss him. I think it was just a comforting daddy reflex. I got off the chair and held out my hand, he took it and gave me a small smile. I definitely don’t hate him.

Liam POV

            When I saw him my heart dropped. He was the last person I wanted to see right now, but since I was leaving I had a few messages to give him. Then he started acting nice towards me. But when he said, “Don’t leave us Liam.” Something started falling for him inside of me.

            Then, he put his finger to my cheek and wrapped me in a hug. It was way better than any hug I have ever gotten from Niall. This felt wanting and sweet. I wanted to hold him forever. To feel his warmth, to feel wanted, and most of all to feel needed. He got up and warmth was gone. He reached out his hand and gave me a huge smile. I wiped away the tears of Niall away from my face and grabbed on to it. I ran into his arms.


            “Yes Liam?” He smiled. It gave me a shiver down my spine. His voice was so different now. He used to act like he hated me but now it seemed the exact opposite.

            “Do you really love Niall?” I asked the one thing that was on my mind from the very start. He looked at me, his perfectly shaped eyebrows when together and he fell deep in thought. I stared at him and took everything in. His toes, they were small and cute. His feet, which were normal for a guy but so different and him. His tone calves and his muscular thighs. His abs, that I just wanted to kiss all day. His hands I wanted to hold. His arms, that I wanted wrapped around me. His shoulders, that I wanted to lay my head in. His neck, that I wanted to lay kisses on. His jawline, that was so strong but so delicate. His lips, I wanted to lean in and kiss them right now, over and over again. His nose, I wanted to nuzzle it. His gray eyes, those were the beautiful things that got me captured in the first place. Those perfect orbs of satin and gold. His hair, his tangled and matted nest of perfectly golden brown hair.

            “Yes…no…I’m so confused. I love him. But I’m not sure what love means. What does love mean Liam?”

             I shook my head. I didn’t know what it meant either. I stared into his eyes and got captured again. I leaned forward and kissed his lips. He pulled back and looked at me. He looked like he was going to scream. He gave me a weird look and sprinted away.

                                                What have I done?!

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