Like a horses patute

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Well here I am... New state, new house, new ranch, and farm may I add, and new school. We've had to move for the third time this year. It feels like we can't find a good place to settle down in. Welcome to Oklahoma, where you can have all four seasons in one week. Scratch that, in one day.

My whole family rodeos. My dad does team roping, my mom still barrel races, my brother, Ryder, is a bull rider... bless his square shaped heart, he's about as sharp as a bowling ball. And I... I guess I'm pretty rare, as people say. I do barrel racing, you know the typical thing, but I also ride broncs. And yes, that's why I'm considered "rare."

Excuse me, let me introduce myself, how terribly rude of me.You already know that I barrel race and ride broncs. My names Cassidy, but everyone calls me Cassie or Cass. I'm 18 a senior and extremely sarcastic. I think you'll figure out the rest of me throughout the book.


Well, today's the first day of school. I just decided to dress as usual, in my boots and jeans, and a t-shirt that says "Strait outta Gods word" instead of "Strait outta Compton". I love it.

I'm walking down the halls and I get a couple stares, smiles, and head-nods. That's basically it though. It's a small town and I heard, things get around pretty quickly, everyone knows everybody, and people are pretty nice.

But you know there has to be that one girl, that one queen b that thinks her crusty butt runs the school. And that girl, I just happen to run into today. Joy.

"Would you like to by a chocolate rose for a little someone special?" She says to a guy, obviously trying to seduce him. He has on some wrangler jeans, boots, and graphic t-shirt with a ball cap on. I mean, pretty much everyone here wears boots and jeans, and some kind of shirt. It's a small country town. And almost everyone has that charming sounthern accent. Including me. She puts her hand on his arm, and by the look on his face I can tell he's uncomfortable. He politely declines but she keeps bugging him, and she's getting a little too touchy. He tries walking away but that doesn't seem to work. Okay, she's getting to be a little too much. 

I walk over there step in between the two, "I'm sorry, I thought he told you no and asked you to stop... and he even asked nicely and said please. Give the man some space will ya." I say. I start to turn around I hear her mutter something under her breath. I turn around and cup my hand my ear as if I couldn't hear "what was that?" I ask.

"I said. You. Little. Bit-"  "Language!" I cut her off. "Oh and trust me darlin, you ain't seen that side of me yet" a sarcastic smile played on my face while I turned and walked away.

I'm almost to my locker when someone grabs me by the arm and turns me around. A gasp escaped my mouth as I was slammed against the lockers. I look up to see dark eyes staring back down at me. "Hey darlin, whatcha doin later?" He said with a very... very creepy smirk on his face.

Holy Moses I ain't even been here a day and I'm already held up against a locker and some guy trying to take me home so he can get into my pants. Well not happenin. Good thing I wore my spurs... but, let's be nice for your first day Cassie.

In case y'all are wonderin, "Cassie, why are you wearing your spurs?"

Well for one, I kept them on from last week cause we did absolutely nothing besides stay inside the house and take a break from all the moving. The day before we decide to take a week off from all the chaos, I had a rodeo. I didn't take them off when I got home so, I woke up this morning, and just slid them on not even thinking about it. Oh well, it's fate.

"I advise you let go of me or else I'll show ya what's gonna happen later." I said very calmly, but anger was already boiling, ready to be let out from inside me.

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