"I said no"

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"Hey Cassie!" Stormy walks up to me.

"Hey, watcha doin?" I say walking up too the school building with her.

"Walking with you so I wont be lonely. Also, has Evan said anything to you lately? Also, are you doing anything tonight after the Rodeo? Also... actually I think that's it." she smiles.

I swear she's such a dork. Well I don't actually swear, because I don't cuss. Not the point...

"Okay, no Evan hasn't even looked at me, and no I'm not doing anything."

"Okay..." She crosses her arms as if she's thinking. She leans up against the locker.

"Yeah, really think about this Stormy." I say sarcastically. 

"Okay, so me and the boys are going out to eat after the rodeo tonight. You wanna come?" Stormy finally asks after two minutes of just standing there.

"Sure, but you just wasted two minutes of the three minutes we have left to get to class, so we better get goin."

She laughs, she just laughs. It might be funny to her being late to class, but if I'm late, on only my third day of school, my parents will have my hide. 

We both walk to Math, since that's one of the classes we have together. And one out of every class I have with Mr. Grumpy butt. Aka Evan.

I take a seat in the back corner of the class room and Stormy sat in front of me.


So I'm sitting here, taking notes, and guess who decides to show up? Just guess!?

Evan, queen sassy, butthole, whatever you wanna call him. Yep him.

His eyes lands on me and gives me the deadliest stare I have ever seen. Why does he hate me? I didn't do anything wrong to him.

He walks towards me not breaking eye contact. Everyone's silent, not saying a word. Not even the teacher. What is he, some kind of king around here? Well if he thinks that I'm gonna treat him like one like everyone else does, then he is sadly mistaken.

"This is my seat. Get up" he states. No, he doesn't ask, he tells me. He doesn't even say please, so there for, no.

"No" I say not breaking eye contact with him. Staring him down. He looks taken aback, like I'd just grown two pig heads.

"I'm sorry, what?" He says balling his fists up. He's acting like I've got cooties or something. Or even worse, I knocked his hat off of his head.

"I said no. There are five other seats in this class room. Pick one and sit. I'm not gonna move out of this seat just because you say so. I know everyone else around here treats you like a king and all, but I'm not one of those people. Now pick another seat and leave me alone. I'm sure all the other ladies would be happy to have you sitting beside them." I state bluntly. 

He lets out a huff and walks away to a different seat.  Everyone just stares at me in shock. What? Nobody's ever stuck up to him before? Well they should, maybe his ego wouldn't be bigger than Texas if they did.

After class is over I head to my locker to switch my books out. Stormy comes up to me with a worried expression on her face.

"Cassie... what did you do...?" she ask quietly, but harshly.

"What are you talking about?" I question. I look over her shoulder and see Evan glaring dagers into my soul. I swear if looks could kill...

"Oh, Evan? Nothing, I just stuck up to him that's all. He told me to get up out of my seat and that it was his. I told him no, and that there are plenty of other seats, and I'm sure all the other ladies would be happy to have him sitting by them." I state, as if it's no big deal.

Which it really isn't. But people act like I had just sabotaged the football team. I mean come on, do you think I would ever in a million years do that?

Absolutely flipperdoodling not

If you think I would, you're a dodo. Just sayin

"Why... Would you do that!?" She yells at me.

"Umm, because I'm not one to be pushed around by bad boy stereotypes, and treat them like a God like everyone else does. So instead of getting up and saying, "yes master sorry master. You may have your seat back"
I stay in my seat and don't take his cocky crap.

We both stay silent for a bit. Wait... now that I think back to what I just said...

"Okay, yeah that sounded really wrong."

"Yeah, it kinda did."

"Okay, well I'm not gonna take any of his crap and his cocky attitude.... that's what I meant to say" I bable fastly, after realizing what I had just said.

"Yeah, I got you." Stormy says sighing. "Thanks for making him mad by the way. He's gonna be like that for the rest of the week."

"Well his little pooty poo butt can get over it. I did nothing wrong. Plus, now he should know that I'm not gonna take his crap. He can go throw his own little pitty party or whatever, he can cry a river. I don't care. Plus I didn't make make him mad. He chose to get mad." I say, just all the words coming out without me even thinking about it.

Stormy leans up against the locker, looking at me searching for something.

Hey, I've got nothing to hide. 

"You're still on for the rodeo tonight right?" She asks.

"Wouldn't miss it." I smile back in reply.

"And after?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Oh, and word of advice, stay away from Evan today. I know you were just sticking up for yourself, but when he gets mad, he gets mad. There's no warming up, boiling, and steaming point. It's straight up mad. If he sees you, who knows what he'll do."


"Also, Evan will be there after the rodeo... just... don't look at him. Avoid all eye contact. It's honestly for the better of your sake if you want to survive the rest of the week" she says starting to walk off to her next class.

"Got it." I say giving a thumbs up.

But little does she know... that's gonna be hard for me. I'm a friendly, outgoing, very sarcastic person. I can't help it.

I head off to my next class, that I do coincidentally have with Evan... I sigh to myself thinking about how the rest of the day's gonna go.

Five classes down, two to go.

Alright you got this, just keep looking forward to beating your time, and making the 8 seconds. 

You *clap* got *clap* this *clappity clap clap*

We shall, see what the rest of the day brings us.

Stay tuned for more chapters of, "Trying to survive every single second of my high school life." Featuring a couple of failures, staring.


Hey y'all

Okay first off. I am ssoooooooooooooo super duper sorry for it being so long since I've updated.

I've had a lot going on with family, and some personal stuff.

But, I got y'all a chapter so that's a plus!

I really hope y'all like it because I stayed up till 1:30 in the morning writing it. No edits, no nuthin.


~Don't Forget to Count Your Blessings, Drink Your Protein, And Say Thank You To Jesus~
- Fallon Taylor

~Abby 🙏🏻🌾

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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