You'll be okay...

39 1 1

"Quick A/N- these pictures up here are one that I take. I don't get them off the inter webs. Okay, just lettin y'all know peeps"


"You're mine. And thats final. I've got you now, I've found you, and you can't run away from me again." He traps me against the wall.

I'm hyperventilating at this point. I've got a cold sweat running down my forehead, and it feels as if someone had held my arms over fire.

I look down at my arms and there it is... hot candle wax dripping on my forearms.

"Stop! Stop please!" I plead. I'm on the verge of crying. Toughen up Cassie! Don't let him know that he can get to you like this. Don't let him know you're still weak even after everything he's done. Don't. Cry.

A tear slips from my eye down my cheek. Nice Cass. Way to go.

"I have searched everywhere! Just to find you, so that I can have you back and you will be mine again. If you think this is bad, oh just you wait baby girl." He says with the most disgusting smerk I have ever seen. Even nastier than that one guy. You know, the guy who tried to harass me at school?

There's still hot wax dripping on my arms. It burns so bad I can't even begin to explain to you. I don't know where it's coming from though. He has me trapped against and wall with both of his hands. There's no one else in this room.

Guys, I know it doesn't sound like I'm not freaking out but serious, I-I'm on the verge of collapsing.

My legs feel week. I can't stand anymore and it's taking all I have no to fall to the floor and black out.

"I'll find you my pretty, and you will be mine"

"I will get you my pretty, and your little dog too" I mock.

Yep that probably was the worst decision I've ever made. Nice knowing y'all! Play Vince Gill at my funeral

Everything goes black. I can still hear everything. I'm still awake but it's like I'm in a pitch black room. I feel like my eyes are open, but I absolutely can not see anything. Everything is black. I'm not against a wall anymore. My hands are tied behind my back and I'm sitting in a chair.

How do I know? Well I can still feel things and I'm using common sense. One thing that most people apparently don't have because I can get out of this knot easily. I hope...

I don't know I'm trying to be smart!!!


"Ow! Son of a bi-"


"Ahhhh!" I scream in pain. Welp, so much for holding tears back. My thighs are burning... why.

I feel something cold dripping down my thighs and I automatically know what it is. Someone is cutting m-


"Ahhhhh" I scream again. Except you know...louder. 

I'm soaked in blood and tears by now. Nice.


"Leave me alone" I shout through my tears.

"Cassidy wake up!"

Everything starts shaking. There's a light coming into my vision. Well this is it... nice knowing y'all. I'll see ya in Heaven.

"Cassidy, wake up! Wake up"


I (finally) wake up panting with a cold sweat, and my face soaked from tears.

"It's just a nightmare, it's ok sweetheart." My dad says with a soothing voice.

"Okay... okay" I lean into his arms and just lay there. It's just a dream.... just a dream.

"He found me daddy" I whisper into his arms.

"It's okay Cassie...I won't let him get you....
I promise."


My dad is always there for me. I'm a daddy's girl, and my brother is a mamas boy. My dad and I have always been super close. He's the one who taught me how to ride. He's the one who taught me about God, and told me too always believe and keep being strong in my faith no matter the situation. And to definitely put someone in their place if they need it. I'm also a lot like him. In attitude and looks. Especially with my sarcasm. It's to the level extreme.


Oh what a beautiful morning!


It's cloudy, cold, and depressing outside.

It's spring! It's not supposed to be thirty degrees outside! But of course, I live in a bipolar state. The great state of Oklahoma! Boomer Sooner Y'all!

Sarcasm to the extreme

Except for the Boomer Sooner part. I'm a die hard Sooner fan. Just sayin

School went by fine. I sat with Stormy, Tucker and... Evan. Even though he kept glaring at everyone and didn't talk the whole time.

Then I go home and this happens...

"What!?" I yell

"Yep" my parents say in unison.

And then I scream, and then cry, and then get mad because pulling a prank on me like this is REDICULOUS!!!!

"You can't do that to meeeee" I whine.

"You told me all the tickets were sold out and then slide a note under my play during dinner, I read it and it say "Admission too the OU spring game. April fools!!!" I fall on the ground.

And you know what they do? Huh? They laugh. They laugh at me!!!!

What kind of parents are you!? You don't joke about football like that! Especially OU football.


"I'm going too my room. Love y'all, and thanks a bunch." I say hugging them.

"Love you too sweet pea. And you're welcome."

I walk up stairs, into my bedroom and plop down on my bed.

I love my parents more than anything in the world but why...?

Telling me gay the tickets are all sold out for the OU spring game that I've been asking too go to for months and then prancing me and saying just kitten no they're not April fools, after I just gave my hopes up, is like saying

"We're going in a diet and your father is turning vegan." ITS INSANE.

I change into my pajamas and hit the hay.

I read on my phone and scroll through instagram, stalking Jess Lockwood.

Don't judge me...


Hey hope y'all liked this chapter. I know it's a little boring but I've been working on my other 2 books. So trying to keep up is a little hard but I'm doin it.

Please vote and comment and tell me what y'all think! I'd appreciate it!

~Abby 🐷🌾🙏🏻

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