Dont mess with my food...

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The man himself, the guy that was so terribly rude to us at lunch, decided to walk in. Scratch that, he basically had no choice. Well, at least I know his name now. Evan... he looks like an Evan. The typical mean boy name. Or bad boy if you would prefer it that way.

He was still standin there at the door way, obviously waiting on someone to notice him. Finally the secretary looks up and smiles.

How could she smile? He was rude, 'Mr. Roll my eyes and ignore everyone than yell at us, "I can hear y'all!" Horse patute.' Yeah, that's what I'm gonna start referring to him as. Good idea Cassie, way to make him hate you on the first day of school.

Inner Cassie... shut up for once.

Anyways, back to reality. I look up at him, obviously cause I'm in a chair and he's standing up. Not to mention he's like 6'4.
I look at him and he's looking right back at me with a glare.

His eyes are cold. They looked grey with an angry haze over them. Once gain, what's his freakin problem...?

I snapped back into reality when I heard someone say my name. I blink my eyes and look down. But out of the corner of my eyes I could see the smirk plastered on his face. Arrogant much? I bet you ten bucks his ego is bigger than his iq. Way bigger. Probably bigger than Texas.

"Cassidy!" I hear a stern voice. I look up, being pulled out of my thoughts to see an impatient secretary. I really need to know her name. I scan her desk real quick to see if she has a name of hers somewhere. I see a wooden block with her name carved and burned into it. It reads "Mrs. Brooks". Cool, not too bad.

"Sorry." I say with a small smile. I try to avoid eye contact with Evan and focus on Mrs. Brooks and what she's sayin.

"This is Evan, and he'll be showin you around the school, and too all your classes. You both have almost the same schedule, except for your intern hours. I expect you two to get along well and you" you directs her attention to Evan. "I expect you to be nice and welcoming too her."

"Yes ma'am." He says with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Leaning up against the door way like he owns the place. He glances at me with a not so pleasant look, and starts headin down the hall.

I scramble out of my chair and follow silently behind him. I don't know what to say. I mean he's looked over his shoulder a couple of times to see if I'm still following him, but that's basically it.


My first day of school honestly wasn't that bad. Except for when I first got there when I had to deal with Kristy, the queen b and her crusty butt. Then when some guy tried to basically assault me. I didn't let it bother me too much though, because if my dad and brother found out... all heck would break loose and someone would die in the next twenty four hours.

Evan showed me around the school, and too all my classes. He didn't say much except for, "here's the science classroom, here's the gym, here's the math classroom" and so on and so forth. He wasn't a very talkative guy, and when I did try to strike up a conversation he would yell at me and tell me to shut my trap.

Yeah I know, what a gentleman.

The tour went by pretty quickly So we finished an hour and a half before school ended. Mrs. Brooks gave us the rest of the day off since there was no point and only going to half a class and another. Which didn't really make sense but I went with it. I mean, who passes up an offer to skip school and not have to go? Deffinetly not me.

I also found out that they have excused absences for rodeos, and showing. Which is good because I have one here in a couple of days.


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