1.How you guys met

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+You were walking out of the comic store with a new comic when you bumped into a hard yet soft chest. "I'm so sorry" you explained looking up into his soft green eyes "its okay. Hey is that *insert ur fave comic book or just book* "uh y-yeah it is" "there's another cool comic you should check out kinda like that. I can show u?" "Y-Yeah. Sure."

+You had auditioned for a small part in Stranger Things 3. You got the part hand got to know the cast very well and good friends with them but you really hit it off with Finn. After shooting he asked you out and you gladly excepted.

+You were one of his favorite youtubers and one day you invited him into your channel for an interview. After it you hung out a lot and just clicked.

+You were at the skatepark and tripped while trying to do a trick, scraped your knee it was bleeding pretty bad. "Hey! You okay?"looking up you saw a short cute boy with a mop of curls and beautiful hazel eyes "y-yeah just scraped my knee" "I have a bandaid you could use?" "Thanks" after that you guys became best friends.

+You were walking on the beach when you heard someone playing 'Eighteen' by Ed Sheeran. Following the beautiful voice you found who it belonged to. After he finished you applauded he jumped and turned "your amazingly talented" you smiled at him "thanks" he blushed looking down. After that you became good friends.

+You were doing a photoshoot together. You guys told a lot of jokes off-camera and hung out a bunch afterwards and just instantly became friends.

+You were the new girl at school, didn't really fit in. Sophia was the awkward girl that didn't really socialize. You guys talked once and became besties.

In some other books Sophia's like a confident badass and she's like such a kween irl but she's kinda awkward and quiet so I'm trying to stick to her true self as much as I can.

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