42.They Find Out You've Been Skipping Meals

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‼️I am not meaning to offend anyone in any way with this chapter it's just a prompt if you feel uncomfortable reading feel free to skip‼️

What-You've been really stressed out for a while now, school getting hard and your family going through a rough patch
How he finds out-You we're skipping a lot of meals, either to catch up on work, study, or just rest your head. He let it slide the first couple times but then started getting worried and was kinda forcing you to eat even then you took small bites and he snapped and asked what was wrong.
What he does-He pulls you into him and says that you should've told him and that he loves you and would do anything to help you with what your going through.

What-Your dog (if ya don't got one, now ya do) had passed away and he's been your best friend your entire life.
How he finds out-You weren't eating much which worried him. You guys got into an argument on it and you began to cry. He immediately apologized and hugged you.
What he does-he tells you that what you doing to yourself isn't healthy and that he'll be here to help you get through it. You guys then cuddle on your bed for the rest of the day.

What-you were just kinda born with it, but never really told Wyatt because you didn't want him to worry.
How he finds out-he's noticed that you don't eat a lot but never really questioned it, until one day when he found out that you haven't eaten in the past 32 hours which caused him to start asking you questions.
What he does-he understands completely why you didn't tell him, but is still a bit upset. He tells you that he loves you and will help in anyway he can.

What-your Friend has just past away and you weren't dealing with it the right way.
How he finds out-you were often chewing on a lot of things you'd always have something in your mouth sometimes the collar of your shirt. And he knew what was wrong from there.
What he does-He holds you tight and tells you that he'll help you deal with it and that you'll be okay and that he loves you with all his heart.

What-you naturally never ate much, you'd often faint, feel nauseous, or just get this huge brain fart.
How he finds out-you guys were hanging out one day and you fainted. When. You woke up you heard your mom telling Jack that you've had an eating disorder for a while now.
What he does-after that he always makes sure you've eaten and had enough water, doesn't let you skip meals unless your rEAlly not hungry but even then makes sure you at lest bet a granola bar.

What-your grandad had just last away and you two were extremely close
How he finds out-you hardly ate ANYthing anymore. There'd be times where you'd eat like maybe some grapes but that's about it. Nic got externally worried, especially when you came back from the gym one day and weighed yourself and forgot to erase the number. He saw that you weighed 105 pounds. (A/n keep in mind that you not young like the others your probably like 19 with Nic and 105 is like the average weight for a fifth grader. Not offending anyone)
What he does-Confronts you, you guys end up getting into a heated argument. After you guys cool down he sits with you and holds your hand while telling you that you don't have to go through with it alone, that he'll be there for you and help.

What-you were just never really happy with your body
How she finds out-she's noticed that amount of weight you've lost and the number of times you've gone to the gym and meals you've skipped.
What she does-tells you that your beautiful just the way you are and that she'll love you no matter what. After you guys cuddle and eat PIZZA

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