81.Them as Things i have said to ppl

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me: hey, Jen!
friend: yeah?
me: suck my right toe!
friend: the fuck?
me: it's all i got. my brother was the one blessed with jewels..

me: *wheezing* hey coach? could we take a break? we ran five miles!
coach: not if you wanna win the next game! now move your ass up that hill!!
me: hey! it's not my fault i can't work out like a straight ass white boy!

me: hey, jen?
friend: whattt?
me: am i ugly?
friend: what? no of course not! your the most beautiful person i know.
me: i know right! liek dAMNNN
friend: *leaves*

me: you wanna go! c,mom fite me bitch!
friend: i'm not fighting you. i'd squash u in a sec
me: c'MON LETS GO!
friend: fINE *throws his backpack off and gets in a fighting stance*
me: woah dude! calm down! i meant to the park! c'mon lets go!

*brother sneaks in thru my widow*
me: wtf nathan! where have you been! i just lied to mom three times covering for you!
brother: out
me: out where?
brother: somewhere
me:yooo!!! did you get it on???
brother: wth nO
me: alright okay fine. don't hAve to tell me...
brother: walks out of room annoyed
me: *screams after him* YOU BETTER HAVE USED PROTECTION

boy in my math class: hey becca?
me: yeah?
boy: will..uh..will you go out with me? you don't have to! i just...i uh..i just like you?
me: i'd l-
brother: *walks in* hELL NAH BITCH! c'mon becca we're leaving!!
some random kid: AYYY ITS NATHANNN SUP BRO
me: get your jealous ass outta here nathan! i can go out with whom ever i wa-
brother: 50 bucks
me: later bitches!
*as were walking we pass by my math teacher*
teacher: *whispers* take me with you *as we walk out the school to our mommy*

me: YOONMIN IS REAL BITCHES! *dances around*
brother: wOAH! when? howww?
me: idek i just saw some cute ass pics of em
*we build a fort and get under it while i show him the pics of them cuddling and all that cute shit*
me: babe? why can't we be like this?
brother: I N C E S T!!!!

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