83.Cooking w/ them

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+feels like the most normal thing ever
+music playing softly in the background as you guys cook
+he's working the stove while you mix and chop
+"babe, can you pass the salt?"
+doesn't want you getting close to the fire
+you guys talk and tell jokes

+he just wants cookies
+your both too lazy to make it from scratch so you eat out the cookie dough
+having a hard time getting it into calls cos it's frozen
+so many jokes and laughed istg
+"mY nAmes dONALD dUCK, i'm from michigan state, aNd i lOVE COOKIES!"
+00f wolfhard

+three course meal bitch
+it's perfect
+while y'all cooking he asks about ur day
+makes sure the foods how you like it
+homes saying this made with xtra love
+it's amazing
+he's amazing

+such perfect synchronization
+you toss this he catches it, you boil this he's seasoning it
+it's like a dance routine
+so organized
+you guys talk about random stuff
+naming random facts
+it's too kewt

+oh ho hoeeee
+don't even get me started
+this bitch istg
+there's cheese on the ceiling and you guys don't even touch it
+he spills and entire carton of milk in the sink
+somehow bUrns the wAter
+so surprised you even managed to live

+he doesn't wanna cook
+just sits there admiring you
+will come and wrap his arms around u form behind
+so many compliments
+will get you what you need
+that's abt it
+lOves it all

+you wanna cook
+but y'all to comfy on the couch
+end up ordering take out
-+"yep gerald, we'll just have the usual"
+S I G H

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