79.Weird Things You Two Do

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+finish each others sentences
+it freaks everyone out and they want you to stop
+you guys can't control it
+"hey yo guys wanna go-"
+"–to see that movie that just came out?"
+"jack! we're not possessed!!"

+always know what the others thinking
+it's like your kinda are connected
+"what ice cream flavor do you guys want?"
+i'll have strawberry and finn'll have chocolate."
+"how'd you know...?"

+you have routines for everything
+every time you guys do something you always work it out perfectly
+he randomly tosses something and your always ready to catch it
+he pulls out two cups and you have the drinks ready
+you switch on the t.v and he's right there with a blanket and snuggles

+how everything ready all the time
+if he's coming over, you make sure to have his favorite over sized hoodie of yours, his favorite cereal, and anything he likes/lives
+if you stay over he had the shampoo you use, some of your favorite shirts of his, and your favorite movies all set up
+his bed so full of pillows for you and smells just like him

+do almost everything in synch
+you'll both reach for something at the same time
+have the same strides when walking
+look over at the same time
+bREATH at the same time
+you been tend to BLINK at the same time

+like finn; ya always know what the others thinking
+it's kinda creepy
+but you guys just know each other so well
+your walking past a tattoo parlor you glance at one of the photos
+"no, your not getting a tattoo."
+"i wasn't even thinking about it."
+"you are now."

+like wyatt; have routines for everything
+she'll do something and you'll be ready to help her
+its like your machines and your minds are connected or some creepy shit
+"hey y/n/n wanna watch The Vampire Diaries?"
+"already got the blankets and food"

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