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Yo, sup, whats shaking?, hey!

It's Tyler Jayne here and welcome to the first ever article in the Blabbermouth series! Eek. This is like super exciting you don't even know. But as the reader you get the honours of sharing my excitement. 

This month, being the first article EVER. I will talk a little about myself and the column followed by some juicy gossip about my last couple of months, (seriously it's so damn juicy it could almost pass as Orange Juice... yum)

Anyway, hello, my name is Tyler Jayne but all my friends call me Ty-ty or TJ. I mean I've tried getting to call me sexy but that's just not working out aye. So I am thirteen, and in my first year of high school, funnily enough we're starting a musical the day after the day I am typing this on my laptop. Haha! If you didn't get that I was referring to High School Musical, and also if you didn't get that you are probably a blonde. No hate to blondes, I mean I am one. And a natural one too, not some artificial dye or anything. My hair is dye free. Actually on the topic of blondes, and me being one, and me also doing schoolwork threes years ahead of my age so on.... I really don't understand blonde jokes. There are a hell of a lot of smart blondes. I came to a conclusion that the people we portray as 'dumb blondes' are actually brunettes who have dyed or bleached their hair blonde.

Okay so I got sidetracked, but that's the point here on Blabbermouth. I talk about basically nothing and you read it for your enjoyment, because we're all boring like that. Anyway I completely forgot what I was going to type because I just left my laptop for like 30 seconds. Blah! I hate when that happens. So I guess I'll just cover this month's theme Just Summer. I hate this theme (no offence to our amazing editors and owners blah blah blah) but here, where I live, also know as New Zealand, it's Winter. I mean seriously, how about a world-wide friendly theme. But since a theme is a theme I shall follow the theme (even though I really don't like it)

Summer is my least favourite season because a I don't like outdoors b I don't like outdoors and c I just don't, so get over it. I mean I liked the barbeque's and staying up late outside staring at the stars a top of my trampoline next to my friends and the ex-boyf (boyfriend for all you blondes c;) It's a really nice time to just chill, even though that means leaving my precious laptop alone for an hour or five. But I really like Autumn (Fall) the best of all when it comes to seasons, it's that perfect transistion between warmth and cold. The day is warm but the air is chilly. And the colours are so pretty, all the yellows, oranges and browns. (Orange is my favourite colour, but I dislike the colours yellow and brown, like, ew) Actually on the subject of those colours in my Art Class (I take art as an elective at school) we are doing this thing where we are copying a section of an artwork and someone else has the other so you have to be sooo precise with the colours and I have a piece of Van Gogh's Sunflower Vase thing (can't be bother Googling the name of it) and I am struggling so badly trying to match the colours. Ugh! So if anyone is willing.... *wink wink*

Sorry, I like to blabber a lot! As you can tell. It kinda gets me away from the world, like normally I write  fiction but sometimes its nice to just write down my thoughts. Prepare for a sob story... just kidding! I mean, yeah I could write a whole article on how my life sucks, but I could also could do the same with the happy things in life! 

Anyway that's the end of this article and ya know keep smiling and have an amazing summer or winter, wherever you are in the world. I hope this first issue gave you a small idea of whats gonna happen in this article, whether it's stuctured or not and whether you want to skip this article or not ;)

See you next month,


Teen Life Magazine Issue #1 June 2014Where stories live. Discover now