Chapter 1: The Principals Warning

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Disclaimer: This book is completely fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

A/N: Quick note before the story begins. The first few chapters I feel are not as well written as the rest of the book as this is my first proper story I was just getting into the hang of writing a story that is fairly long. As the story progresses I think it gets better :) 

(Also yes I know my book isn't nearly as long as others but I'm very impressed with myself that I managed to write over 30k words on it after giving up on all my other stories I've attempted writing over the last 4 years.)

I hope you like it!

It was a Friday. The last class of the day. 45 more minutes and it was the weekend. I was in Calculus, but my teacher, Mrs Baxter was very laid back and gave us free time once we completed a ten question worksheet. I'd finished mine in the first ten minutes so I was now half asleep while watching a video on Facebook of some guy making a compass from a stick and a leaf. Gosh, some people have too much time on their hands.

By this time most of the class had finished their papers too and were all in the same position as me, their head resting on one hand, while fanning themselves with the other. It was a week before the summer holiday but summer decided to show up early this year. Even worse, the air conditioning broke last week so now I was stuck in a muggy classroom with 29 other sweaty teenagers. Oh goody. Still, I had a seat by the window so there was a small breeze hitting me.

I started daydreaming while staring out at the horizon, the beach wasn't far from the school, so many students snuck off there at lunch to skip last period. I was getting drowsy from the heat and I could tell many of my classmates were too. There was about 40 minutes of class left when the Principal came over the loud speaker. It was strange since aside from the morning announcements the loudspeaker was rarely used since each class had a landline for the front office to call a specific teacher or ask for a student. Some people, including myself raised their heads, listening in curiosity at what they wanted; maybe they were going to say everyone could go home half an hour early. Oh that would be good.

"Attention students and staff, this is Mr Clarkson. I apologise for the interruption this afternoon, but we have some news,"

I listened curiously, though I couldn't remember our principal having a faint German accent. It sounded as though he was trying to portray an American, but not very well. I shrugged, thinking it could just be an echo or something on the loud speaker and continued listening. There was also a lot of background noise making it rather difficult to hear.

"Could all students and staff please make their way to the assembly hall, we... Have a surprise for you all."

Some people in the class started to stand up, glad to get out of the crowded classroom. The Principal was repeating his message for anyone was didn't hear the first time. I started to gather my things when suddenly over the loudspeaker, there was a struggle, then a frantic voice come over,

"No! It's a trap! This is Jerry Clarkson, go into lockdown immediately. We have a gunman in the school. Do not come out until police arri- BANG!

A few girls in my class screamed, everyone knew that was a gunshot. The faint crackle of the loudspeaker cut off after.

Mrs Baxter quickly ran to the close and lock the door. Then told everyone sitting by the windows to shut and fasten them and pull the blinds too. Then to quickly but quietly get down next to the benches at the back of the classroom. We hurried to the back of the class. Mrs Baxter told everyone to turn off or silence their phones. A few people were quietly crying. I felt like it too after hearing there's a gunman in the school and our principal shot. We quietly crouched together for about ten minutes. The heat was really starting to set in now. The door and windows were closed and we were all close together, making the room feel very claustrophobic.

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