Chapter 8: The Trial

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"Devin Andrews. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

"Yes, I swear." I replied.

The lawyer asked me to explain what happened last Friday. I explained my story again. At the point when I said Casey intentionally shot me there was an objection from the audience saying it was proof Casey had attempted murder but the judge overruled it telling me to continue. I continued by saying he only did it to save my life.

She asked whether I'd agreed to being shot and I said I really had no choice as if I had told Casey not to shoot me Red probably would've finished the job then taken out Casey too for disobeying his orders.

Once I'd finished my story the judge asked if I believed the Casey Braxton should be cleared of all charges and be free. I nodded whilst saying yes. Right from the moment he saved my life while risking his own I knew he couldn't go to prison.

"You may step down." The Judge told me.

As I was stepping off the podium I made eye contact with Casey. He gave me a small smile of gratitude.

After that Casey was called to the stand, then the lawyers spoke, then the jury spoke and finally after far too much talking from other people the Judge said she'd made a decision.

"I decide that the accused is... NOT guilty. Casey Braxton will be cleared of all charges as he was being forced into crimes by convict Red Santiago that he had no desire to be a part of. This trial is now over."

The look of relief on Casey's face as he was un-cuffed and led towards the door made me smile. He met me outside in the parking lot. After he thanked me for helping him escape he said he must find his family as Red swore his revenge on him for his betrayal. I agreed to give him a lift to his house as I still felt like I owed him for sparing my life.

He thanked me again once we arrived at his house before running towards the door. I drove over to Emily's to tell the others what had happened since they left the police station.

They had found out some new information too. Sam had gone for a drive to their family lake house to see Cam but he was nowhere to be found. The lake house hadn't been used in months.

This made us believe more and more that Cam had something to do with the intrusion at the school. It seemed as though none of us wanted to believe it but Cam had been working with Red.

Sam decided to call Cam. It went straight to voicemail so he texted him instead. "Hey bro, when are you coming home? I miss you, and you missed questioning today so the cops are looking for you now."

He made it seem as though we knew nothing of his inclusion in the crime. We watched television while waiting for a reply.

Twenty minutes later Sam's phone buzzed. He grabbed it and read the message aloud to us. "Sorry Sam. I have some business to tend to. It's going to take a while; I can't say when or if I'll be home."

I couldn't believe it. Cam was a traitor. And what was the "business" he had to tend to? 

After that Sam politely excused himself saying he needed to be by himself for a while to process what they just found out. We all decided to go home then. It had been a long day, especially for me. I drove back to my house and parked in the driveway. I went inside and said hello to my parents before grabbing a sandwich and heading up to my room. I plugged my phone in to charge and hopped into bed to watch a movie. I turned on the tv to find Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets playing. As I settled into the movie I heard a tap at the window facing the front yard. I looked out the window but didn't see anything outside. I sat back down on my bed and continued the movie. Perhaps I was hearing things. A few seconds later I heard another tap. This time I knew I hadn't imagined it. This time I opened the window and looked down. 

I gasped as I saw Casey down below looking up, hand raised as if to throw another pebble. 

"What are you doing?!" I asked him.

"Come down, I'll explain." he replied. 

I shut the window and walked downstairs. Luckily my parents have already gone to bed. I don't know how happy they would be for their daughter to be talking to the guy who almost got her killed. 

I opened the back door and met Casey on the deck. "What are you doing here?" I asked him again.

"Look I had to come here, I need a favour. Mum and my sister are in trouble. We've already received a threat from Red. They're not safe. I need to get them out of the city, somewhere no one knows."

I nodded. "But how does it involve me?"

"You're in danger too. Now Red knows I saved you and disobeyed him, he now has it out for you, and your family. You must come with us, now!" Casey looked frantic and was looking all around as he spoke. "We have to go now, I think I could have been followed here as it is. You must get your family, we have to leave now!" He urged. 

I was shocked to hear it wasn't over. What was just a school lockdown has now turned into so much more. I hurried back up the stairs to my parents bedroom to wake them. I hurriedly told my story and they grabbed their suitcases beginning to pack some clothes and essentials. I did the same in my room and in 15 minutes we were ready to go. My parents got a hurried introduction to Casey before we followed Casey's car in our cars to his safe house.

Who knows how long we would have to hide out.

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