Chapter 5: Freedom

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"Devin, Devin, wake up! We need to get out of here now. I'm not sure how long we have to spare. Quick get up!" I open my eyes and see Casey. I look around but don't see the others. I thought he was supposed to rescue them too. I sat up and asked him. He helped me stand up, ignoring my question and started pulling me towards the stairs. I stood my ground and asked him again, where were the others?

He kept pulling me and turned around and said "Look they're right downstairs now would you PLEASE hurry up!"

That made me finally start moving. Emily crushed me into a hug as soon as she saw me crying and saying she thought I was dead. Casey hurried us along saying we could hug later. We followed him through passage after passage until we came to an open plan living area. It was very extravagant. There were crystal chandeliers and plush leather furniture everywhere. We gasped in amazement. I remembered Red saying he's just transferred the other 5 million to Casey's account so that means he must be incredibly loaded. Casey pushed us towards the main door and just as he opened the door we ran right into the police. We all jumped in shock. Then relief. The police walked in and asked where Red was. Casey pointed to the Bar room and two officers walked off down the hall towards it. The other four cops stayed with us. We sat down as Emily raided the kitchen for glasses for water and food. We hadn't eaten since lunch and we were all starving. She returned with a jug of water and five glasses then picked up the bowl of fruit on the table on the way back to the living area. Sam and Natalie grabbed apples, Charlie and Emily got bananas and I took a pear. A loud commotion began down the hall as we all turned around to watch Red being dragged out in cuffs by the two policemen. He roared at Casey "If I'm going down, so are you!" before he was taken out of the house. The four policemen that were with us looked at Casey. "You're the one working with him?" One asked him. "I-I was tricked. He blackmailed me, and my family. I had to." He said.

One of the officers stood up. "Casey Braxton, you are under arrest for being an accessory to breaking and entering, kidnapping and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the Court of Law. You have the right to consult a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning."

They dragged him away and out the door after Red. I stood and ran after him shouting at the police. "No you can't arrest him! He didn't kill anyone, he only did it because Red made him! Then he saved us from him, we were finally escaping as we ran into you. Don't take him away!" I pulled on Casey's arm trying to stop them.

One of the other policemen held me back while the one holding Casey told me "Do you want me to take you with me for obstructing an arrest? Because I will. I've been on the hunt for these guys ever since their first crime. You're not getting in the way."

Casey looked at me with sad eyes and told me to just let him go. He said he deserved it.

I stood back promising him I would find the best lawyer in the town for him. He saved my life. The least I could do is stop him going to prison.

The other three cops left led the five of us to the other police car to take us home. It was hard to believe a little under 5 hours ago I was daydreaming out the window waiting for the weekend and now I was walking out of a criminal's house with a gunshot wound planning on how to save an accessory to the crime because he saved my life... 

I thought to myself, was that the only reason I wanted to save him? 

Did I have any other feelings towards him other than the fact he saved me from death? 

No. Of course not. I do not like a criminal. 

I like an innocent man who risked his life to save mine.


Short chapter I know, but I will update tomorrow. 

Find out what happens to Casey and Devin. 

And when Red swears his revenge on Casey's family. 

Don't forget there's still students trapped in the school with a ticking time bomb that nobody can find. Not even Casey knows where it is.

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