Chapter 2: Problems

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We sat huddled together waiting for the police to come and tell us everything is okay and we can all go home. We sat for about two hours making quiet small talk. We heard no other sounds and heard nothing from the cops. I knew everyone's parents would be starting to worry though I suppose word had spread about the situation.

I wondered what had happened to Johnny after the intruder dragged him down the stairs. One of my other friends in the class named Natalie spoke up. "Uhh, guys..." We all looked at her. "I kinda need to use the bathroom" Mrs Baxter said in no way was she leaving the class until it was safe and to try and hold it. Another 30 minutes went by and we were all getting more uncomfortable as the heat really began to set in. We were also getting more and more worried as to why the cops hadn't let us out yet. We had heard no sound at all since Johnny was taken. Natalie was getting very flustered now and was moving around the class trying to make herself more comfortable. She spoke up soon after, "I need to go! Now." She stood as if to make for the door but Mrs Baxter stopped her. "I'm sorry Natalie, but you can't risk it. If you're really desperate you'll have to use the sink at the back of the classroom." "I am NOT using the sink!" she replied. Mrs Baxter told her it's that or nothing.

Another 15 minutes went by Natalie was still hopping around the class and finally resorted to the sink. She told everyone to turn around and not peek. We all turned and faced the wall waiting for her to be done. A few seconds went by in silence. She groaned and said "Oh I can't go when I have an audience! Please cover your ears too" We all did so and waited. 5 seconds later a loud bang on the door made us all jump. Natalie shrieked and grabbed the side of the sink to stop herself from falling off. The doorknob rattled and someone began banging frantically on the other side. We all huddled closer to one another and Natalie soon joined us. The knocking only got more frantic as no one made a move to open it. Suddenly the knocking stopped and all was quiet. We all held our breath. Then a loud voice called out. It was the German guy from the loud speaker, only now he wasn't pretending to be American. "I have a bomb hidden somewhere in the school. And the detonator is in my pocket. If you don't open the door in the next 15 seconds, I will push it." I looked at Mrs Baxter, she looked as if she had no idea what to do. Don't open it, and risk being blown sky-high, or do open it and have the intruder in the classroom.




We all looked at each other and Emily stood up. I stared and her and someone else hissed at her "What are you doing! You're not letting him in here with us!" "Well I'm not having by head blown off by this moron's bomb, I'm opening it!"



"All right, all right, I'm opening it! DON'T SET IT OFF!" Emily yelled.

She started to move the desks out of the way and cleared enough space to open the door. Everyone held their breath as she turned the lock and pulled back the door. The man walked in. He looked around at who was in the class and his eyes landed on Emily who had opened the door. "Ah well I'm glad somebody listened to me. He patted her on the shoulder and walked further into the classroom. He turned his head back toward the door. "You can close that again Darl" I cringed as he called her that. Emily shut the door and joined the rest of us.

Natalie looked up at him and asked "When can we leave?" The man chuckled and replied "Oh hun, you won't be leaving here for a while yet. That is, until the police comply with my demands unless they want you all blown to bits. I've already let that little wretch go and tell them my plan so if the police want to save all your little lives they'd better get me what I want in the next 5 hours."

So Johnny had been let go. And that's why no cops had come in, because there's a f*cking bomb in the school and one lunatic threatening to set it off if he doesn't get God knows what in the next five hours.

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