.: chapter eleven :.

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OAKSTRIPE wasn't mad that her jaw was all screwed up. When she had scraped it off of that rough tree bark, it might have torn off all of the fur around her mouth, but it definitely didn't shake the fact that she knew exactly why Heronskip was mad at her.

She knew that Heronskip was head-over-heels for Dewleap. Unfortunately, she also knew that Dewleap wasn't gay. But she was a supporting friend— she didn't interrupt her best friend's dreams.

When both Heronskip and Dewleap had received the same prophecy that she had, Oakstripe knew it was fate. They'd go on a journey! Have fun! It would be exciting!

Now all she needed to do was tell King Lotusbrook where they were going, and it would be perfect.

Dewleap led Heronskip into Fawnsplash's den and sat down.

"We have a lot to talk about," said Dewleap.

"L-like what?" Heronskip mumbled.

Another thing about Heronskip— he always mumbled around Dewleap. Oakstripe was slightly annoyed with it, but as long as Heronskip was talking to his crush, even though it would be illegal if they were together.

"Like where this prophecy came from. Why did we receive it, and not Fawnsplash or Whitehawk, or the king himself?" Oakstripe wondered aloud. Her jaw ached to talk with, but she didn't care.

"You can talk!" Heronskip exclaimed, his ears perking up immediately. "Thank the Star Kingdom."

Oakstripe nodded. She flicked her tail, and then told the two toms her plan. "We tell the king about our prophecy and hope he lets us go fulfill it!"

"Prophecy?" said a new, low, raspy voice. "Only I get those."

It was Whitehawk, the king's advisor. And his claws were unsheathed.

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