Asra - Morning Kisses

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Asra woke to a warm body curled into his side, a protective arm flung over his waist, fingers twitching upon bare as they dreamt.

He smiled, propping himself up onto his elbow to admire them, careful not to disturb their slumber. They looked so peaceful, so content, their chest rising and falling with light, even breaths.

Their nose crinkled, brow furrowing and lips parting, mumbling something incoherent about... snakes? He chuckled to himself, unable to resist reaching out to brush away the frown, fingertips lightly caressing their brow. They stirred under his touch, eyes slowly opening.

"Sorry, my love. You were talking in your sleep," he whispered, leaning down to place a kiss upon their nose. "You know I cannot resist you."

They stretched languidly, yawning and entangling their legs with his as they tugged him closer, nuzzling their face into his neck.

Asra placed a finger beneath their chin, tilting their head so he could press his lips against theirs. They mumbled, smiling into the kiss before returning their face to the warmth of his neck, their hand tracing lazy circles upon his chest.

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