Asra - sneks and kissies [3]

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They had loved him once, and it had been as easy as breathing.

Every touch made gooseflesh bloom upon his , every kiss had left him breathless, wanting more, more, more.

It was still that way, for Asra at least. Though, now he had to love them from a distance, watch confusion take over their features if he slipped up, said something he may have in that old life.

"I used to daydream about us, before we—" Asra had said, lost in their eyes as they practised with the cards over the shop table, his heart in his throat as he realised his mistake.

They stared at him, head tilted, lips pursed. They smiled, but it didn't reach their eyes, they simply reached for the next card, fingertips touching.

Asra felt the shock between them as they touched, but they did not.

It was in that moment that he realised that what they once had was truly lost, and it was all his fault.

He vowed to make them remember, one day.

Remember the lazy mornings, tangled in messy sheets. Remember the easy morning strolls through the market, hands clasped over the bread makers table. Remember the I love you's, his name falling from their lips like a prayer.


His head snapped up, lilac eyes meeting theirs. "Sorry, continue."

One day.

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