Chapter 5: Watching, Stalking II

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The writer felt his knuckles freeze on the wheel as soon as he stopped in front of his home.

His breath is ragged and his body is trembling. He forced to unclamp his hands on the wheel and unlocked his doors.

The house is the same as he left it, no problem. He sighed in relief then slumped on the couch, exhausted. 6:33 pm, yet Katsuki isn't here.

Maybe he is enjoying it there?

Izuku smiled as pictures of the two men he loved reuniting danced in his thoughts. 'I hope they are both happy'

His eyelids slowly droop.

Was he this sleepy before?

He forced to shake his head, no. He stood up, but as soon as he did, his head swam and his sight doubled.

Izuku gripped the table for support, then pulled the golden parker on his pocket, uncapping it. The tip of the pen is sharp pointed (fountain pen) and can stab someone on the eye easily.

He tried to jump or walk but his whole body is wobbly to actually do the work. He felt like a soggy Oreo dipped on a hot milk for ten minutes.

Still, he fought it and gripped the pen tighter; getting ready to attack.

Izuku tried to look around his body, reaching behind until he touched a feathery feeling behind his neck.

He pulled it and stared in horror...a tranquilizer.

His eyes felt heavy and he had a very strong urge to lay down and snore. But whoever shot him the drug wasn't someone nice.

Izuku stumbled upon the stairs, using the railing as his advantage. The safest place is his room. Katsuki made it soundproof with metal doors that can only be unlocked with the right finger print.

As soon as he reached the second floor. He heard footsteps below. Fear washed over him as he stumbled and dragged his sleepy mind across the room.

Just a few more seconds and he will reach the door.

The footsteps were now jogging on the stairs behind him.

Adrenaline shot his nerves and he fastened up twice faster than before. He placed his thumb on the sensor, beeping green, before he wiped it with his sleeves just so to clear his fingerprints when they or he or she decided to hack him.

A strong hand grabbed his arm, yanking him but he was already in the room. Izuku stabbed the hand using the pen, causing the man to scream in pain.

"You little- arg!"

Izuku kicked himself in then closed the door behind, auto locking itself.

The pen on his hand were bloodly with a tinge of ink. He leaned on the banging door and slid downwards. The tranquilizer, finally kicking in, knocking him out cold.

"Sorry, sir. I couldn't get him. He stabbed me with your gift" the beefy man explained. His hand was covered in white bandage and his eyes is staring on the floor.

His master smirked, "no need for a sorry, Quintus. My Izuku is a stubborn man, he just proved it. That only means that we should use more than a tranquilizer to get him"

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