Chapter 9~ the test

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As the week grew to an end and Mr. Yang choosing his daughters happiness over his life was the best thing that he has done for her in a while. He smiled as he watched his daughter be in love with someone who deserved to be by her side. He signed the contract two days before the kings were supposed to come.

He was happy and he saw the light of his daughter's smile as she talked with her husband William, he knew William would be put through hell. He worried if William would be able to pass the test of each of the monstrous males. He feared if William lost his life his daughter would follow.

The day came for the Lords to come. Everyone was scared, but Rosalina was more scared for everyone. Her father could lose his life in front of them, William could die doing any of the tests, her family could be torned apart, and she would have to love people who would ruin her life for good.

The night came and everyone gathered in the living room as they waited for the males to arrive. Everyone was listening to the fire crackle as the doorbell went off. Mr. Yang went and opened the door and led the seven males to the rest of the house hold.

"We were informed that we missed a very special day. What took place on this day, Rosalina Yang?" Mark asked. He looked upon the young girl who looked him in his eyes.

"Well my lord, William and I had a glorious wedding that will be remembered by everyone, I was a day that was filled with laughter, smiles, and happiness. All things I'm sure you and your friends could not provide, "Rosalina said as she looked at him. Her arms crossed over her chest as she waits for a response.

"Well Ok, Mr. Yang did you sign the contract that we asked for?" Mark said as he turned to Mr. Yang who knew his fate.

"y-yes I have my lord," Mr. Yang said as he took the paper from his coat pocket and handed it to the vampire.

"Good, now for the punishments, Mr. Yang we will see you in the center of town and as for your husband Rosalina, William will start off his test. Your father will die after the first test." Mark said as he walked over to the couple.

He grabbed William by his collar and took him over to his friend Yugyeom. He threw William to the feet of Yugyeom.

"Your first test is with Yugyeom, so Now that everything has been established, let's get started," Mark said as everyone followed him to the center of the town.

The monsters dragged humans to the center of town so that they could watch the show that was going to take place. The human and creatures watched as the Yang family approached them.

"Hello my subjects, this is the being of a new life for us all, a life that humans and creatures will lives in as one. Tonight we will give you a show to make sure that no one will try to fight back. We have to gentlemen from the Yang and the Elliott families. Mr. Yang will be tired to post until, Mr. Elliott has completed or died from his test."

The humans gasped as they watched in horror as very large creatures brought out a clear container and started to add things and other creatures to it.

"William Elliott will be challenged by the seven of us to prove if he is or is not the right man for Rosalina Yang, I mean Rosalina Elliott. I you think you can hide things from us you will be punished. My friend Yugyeom will be the first to give a test to William," Mark said to the crowd as he smirked.

William looked at Rosalina and kissed her cheek before he went up to Yugyeom.

"Your first test is to pass my creature and their riddles, while each riddle is being said salt water will be filling the container, if you say something wrong you will add worst things to the water, you will only pass if each riddle is done correctly and you have not died by drowning. Do you accept my test?" Yugyeom asked William as he asked him.

William looked to Rosalina who started to cry fearing for his life, the he looked back to Yugyeom.

Just before he answered Rosalina spoke up.

"Can he get help, or hints from me, please?" Rosalina asked Yugyeom.

Yugyeom let out a deep sigh before he nodded.

"I accept your test," William said he looked Yugyeom in the eyes.

William was put into the container and waited for the test to start.

Each moment William was in the container, Rosalina's heart broke more and more.The water began to slowly fill the container as William listened for the first riddle.

"Many ship and humans have drowns and have been dragged down in to the deep sea because of me. What am I?" The voice asked William.

William thought and looked at Rosalina before answering.

"You are the Kraken, the creature that kills humans and eats them, you kill them by dragging them down into the deepest parts of the sea, letting them drown then eating them," William answered.

A piece of a puzzle lit up on the side of the container. Everyone watched as it glowed then their eyes turned back to William.

William a waited his next riddle.


(902 words)

There will be a part two to this, but I just couldn't think of anythings to add to this. I have been having major writes block. I hope you all enjoy the story, have a great night/day, I love you all my gems

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