Fire and Nice

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A week after Unikitty accepted my confession, she announced a new holiday called "Problem Fixy Day" where the citizens would come to her and she would solve their problems. I was helping set up decorations for the event. As I hung streamers from the collums in the foier of the castle, I heard my now girlfriend say:

"Keep it up guys, we need to make everything nice and welcoming!"

I descended the ladder and continued my welcoming painting, using the number 10 knife to make a mountain on the canvas. Richard came up to Unikitty saying this wasn't necessary. Tch. Typical Richard. She reassured him this was a good idea, as the citizens rushed in. The first person came up...or people? It was one guy stacked on the other. Neither liked where each other was going, and I could see my fluffy kitten getting frustrated. She solved their problem by switching who was on top, so now the guy on top was on the bottom and vice versa.

"Great start so far!" She said. Oh no, i thought to myself, you justed jinxed us Unikitty.
And right I was, as right afterbshe said that, we all heard someone say:

"Boo! Lame!" We all turned to see Master Frown walk in the side entrance. Wait, why do we have a side entrance!? It's not even an entrance! It's a hole! Anyway, Unikitty asked if he had a problem, and he said he was there to watch people complain. I wanted to jump over and punch him in the face, but...I digress.
He then "solved" the citizens problems by telling them things they didn't want to hear. Unikitty told him to stop, but he told her that being nice is a, and I quote:"Corny pointless sham", Unikitty turning redder with every word he spoke. Her cheeks turned into skulls. Fire spewed from her horn. We all hid behind her throne as we knew Angry kitty was about to explode.

"BEING NICE IS NOT BAAAADD!!" We were right. She exploded BIG TIME. Master Frown flew across the room, clinging for dear life, the wind coming from Unikitty being so powerful, it nearly blew us away.

"TODAY IS ABOUT FIXING PROBLEMS, BUT YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!" she roared, smacking Master Frown out of the room screaming "Totally worth it!"
When the dust settled, the room was burnt to a crisp. The streamers were gone. MY PAINTING! MY BEAUTIFUL PAINTING! IT WAS okay actually. Wasn't touched. But everything else was toasted. She turned around to see everything in flames. The throne disintegrated, revealing us stacked on top of each other like a totem pole: Hawk on the bottom, Pup on top of him, then Doc Fox, then Rich, then me. Unikitty floated over, her face obviously distressed.

"I'm so sorry guys! I didn't mean to lose my temper! I ruined everything!"
I couldn't stand her being so sad.

"Um, my painting's oka-"
"I gotta go. I need some time to think." And with that, she flew out the door.

(Timeskip past the cleanup)

We finished cleaning up when Unikitty grabbed Dr. Fox ahd headed towards the entrance to the lab.

"Dr. Fox! I need you for science!"
As the hole opened.

"Anything for science!" Doc replied, myself following behind. Pup asked what to do about the citizens, and Kitty told him to distract them till we got back.
We desended into the lab where Doc built a machine and hooked Unikitty up to it. I held her paw as Doc scrolled through the aspects of her personality. The first versiom to appear was her sadness.

"Why do I feel like crying forever? WAAAAHH!" Just seeing that made me feel bad. Next was a black and white Unikitty.

"Why is this taking soooo long?" She sounded like a typical teenage girl.

"Whoops, that's your boredom." She changed the knob to a version of her that was more pink than before. She stared right at me.

"I LOVE YOU!" She shouted, rushing at me. The glass chamber stopping her.

(INDEFINITE HIATUS) Sparkles and Rainbows! (Unikitty x male minifig! reader)Where stories live. Discover now