Kitty court

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It was a beautiful day as I was buying a new pair of shoes at a store downtown. Unikitty told me she'd meet me later. Sure enough, I saw her cloud car outside, backing into a parking space. She was singing something, but I couldn't hear her. Why she didn't just fly here is beyond me. Then I heard a thud. I ran outside, new shoes on, to see what happened. Unikitty and I looked behind to see Master Frown on the ground, crying. While normally I like to see that grouch in pain, this time wasn't the case. Everyone rushed behind as I stood next to Unikitty.

"Oh no! I feel terrible! Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" She asked. I wrapped my arm around her as Master Frown smirked. He told us that the only way to make him happy is to meet us in court. I knew something was up, but I went with it.

(In court)

"Ohh, the pain! It! Hurts! So! Bad!" Master Frown yelled, smacking his crutches on the table in front of him. I was sitting behind him in the crowd seats. He turned to face me as Brock shuffled in.

"Dude, where is everybody?" He asked. I looked at him, holding up three fingers.

"Three... two... one..." I said, putting down one finger with each word spoken. As soon as I put down my last finger, everyone burst in, dance music blaring. I jumped out of my seat, greeting my girlfriend behind the witness stand.

"OBJECTION!" Master Frown yelled, the music stopping and everybody freezing. I asked what the hubbub was.

"I want a TRIAL!" Not another dance party!" He fumed.

"We're getting there, frown face. We're just hyping up the crowd." I said, a smug smirk on my face. He asked where the judge was. I pondered the question for a second.

"Oh yeah. We do need a judge. LOWER THE CRAIN!" Unikitty said. A large wheel descended from the ceiling with pictures of everybody's face on it to choose the judge. Brock went up and  spun the wheel. It spun for a second before it started to slow down.

"And the judge is..." Unikitty said as the wheel almost stopped on Master Frown's portrait before suddenly jumping to the next one: me.

"(Y/N)!" Unikitty yelled, everybody facing me. I gave a giant grin as the judge garb and wig fell on me. I walked to the judge stand and sat down. Banging the gavel, I looked at my girlfriend. She looked so happy, like always.

"Alright people, let's get this judicial party started! Eh, get it? Judicial party? No? Okay... Anyway..." I thought about what to do first. I decided to call witnesses.

"You. Frown face. Testimony." I said, pointing the gavel at Master Frown. He wheeled out from behind his table and stood using his crutches.

"Your honor, I stand here as a victim of negligence and disrespect by princess Unikitty, and I demand penance!" He yelled. I tossed my gavel at him, hitting him in the face.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I said, rolling my eyes. I looked at my Unikitty watch. 2:35.

"Alrighty then, time for recess!" I yelled. Everyone ran outside. I did too, but I left my judge stuff inside. While everyone played on the jungle gym and such, I stood next the group, stretching my legs. Unikitty looked at us, concerned.

"Guys, this isn't working. Master Frown's still mad." She said. We all looked to see Frown face stareing at us, a ticked look on his face. I snickered a little. Seeing that face was just really funny.

"Maybe he'll be happy again if we law even harder!" She squeaked. Just go with it. If it makes her happy, I'll do it. Recess ended as we went back inside. I got my judge attire back on as I sat behind the podium again.

(INDEFINITE HIATUS) Sparkles and Rainbows! (Unikitty x male minifig! reader)Where stories live. Discover now