Shining Mecha Kitty Turbo V

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The day started like any other: Rick cleaning, Unikitty being happy, Hawk and I training in the dojo, and pup doing whatever, when Hawk and I got the monster call. Apparently, a giant jelly monster had appeared in the town. How we didn't notice that is beyond me. Hawk and I ran to defeat his fearsome beast!... If he wasn't 50 times our size! We were practically chewed up and spat out into the castle, right outside the door where everyone else was. We collapsed inside, covered in goo.

"This thing may be out of my weight class..." Hawk groaned, as I slowly picked myself off the floor.

"Aw yeah!" Doc Fox yelled. " This is absolutely fantastic!" We all stared at her, confused.

"I've been specifically preparing for just this situation!" She said, pulling out a flute and playing a specific tune, causing a barn in the distance to split open, revealing...A GIANT ROBOT...Unikitty?

"Behold! Shining Mecha Kitty Turbo V!" Doc gushed, as the robot did some weird poses.

"She's just like me, but METAL!" Unikitty said.

"Look at the hydraulics on that thing!" Hawk commented.

"So shiny and chrome!" Pup observed.

" Who paid for this?" Rick groaned. Doc started to list the tech specs.

"She's fifteen tons of high octane--

"Tell me it needs five pilots!"

"Nuclear punching power..."


"...and it needs SIX pilots."

"OH SNAP!" we all said.

"Beam us up, Dr Fox" Unikitty said. Dr Fox played the tune again, and we entered the robot. Next thing I knew, I was in the head.

" I'm the head? AWESOME! If only Unikitty was here..." right then I turned to see Unikitty next to me.

"Nevermind. This is perfect!" I looked down to see I was wearing the same red jumpsuit Unikitty was wearing. Pup was the legs, Hawk was the right arm. Doc was the Left, and...Rick was the appendix. For our first run in the robot, it when pretty good: if you count spazzing around Nonsense Town a good first run. But soon enough, we beat the jelly monster, but Rick wanted to put the robot away. This...didn't go so well, so we made up excuses to stay in the robot. Eventually, we stayed in the robot for at least 9 months.  During those 9 months, I had an interesting conversation with Unikitty. It happened one night after everyone had gone to sleep.

"(Yawn) Another great day of robot patrol, right Unikitty?"

"Yep!. I love this robot!

" Who doesn't? But there is one thing I love more than this robot."

"What would that be?"

"You silly!" She blushed a shade of red. I then wrapped my arm around her and bring her closer. She starts purring.

" I forgot you still do that! You know, I'm glad I met you. I was in a really bad place when I met you. My parents disappeared, the house was falling apart, and I--" I found myself staring into her eyes and her staring into mine. As our faces got closer, our eyes closed and our lips connected. Her face  was kinda flat, but I didn't care. 

" Huh. Interesting place for our first kiss." She said. I just hugged her. The robot eventually got destroyed, but the relationship only skyrocketed from there. Before I was worried she was doing it just to make me happy, but I know she truly loves me as much as I do her.

(INDEFINITE HIATUS) Sparkles and Rainbows! (Unikitty x male minifig! reader)Where stories live. Discover now