Chapter 2

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We arrived to school and my sister immediately jumped out of the car and went to join her friends. How she could have friends when we just moved here the day before yesterday was beyond me, but somehow she managed.  I grudgingly got out of the car, my mom wishing me a good day before driving off. I rolled my eyes. Talk about embarrising, having your parents drop you off when your in high school.  This is the reason why i wanted my own car, but no such luck. Apparently they are expensive and i wasn't responsible enough to be trusted with something that expensive.  Yeah right.  I am pretty sure they just liked embarraisng me as much as possible.

I wandered around the school trying to find the main office, since no one showed me where it was.  After about 5 more minutes of no luck i finally decided to ask someone.

"Hey, could you please tell me how to get to the main office?" I asked the first person i found.

"Umm are you seriously talking to me? How could you? Do you not know who I am?" The rude girl questioned looking down at me before turning around, her shiny blonde hair whipping around her as she walked away.

My first encounter and it's with the bitch of the school, just my luck. I thought as i turned another corner and finally found the main office.

"Hey I'm new here and i need to pick up my schedule" I said loudly to the secretary.

"Name?" the secretary asked in a bored tone without looking up from her computer.

"Jenna Brooks" I reply and she searches my name up in the system.

"Sorry we don't have a Jenna Brooks" the secretary says, finally looking at me.

"Try Jennalyn Brooks" I say, angry at the fact that my parents registered me under my full name, even though they know how much i hate the name Jennalyn.

The warning bell rang as soon as I finished getting my schedule.  Now most people would run to get to class –and most people were doing it- but not me, I simply walked to class. I set my own hours around here and the teachers should start getting used to that,

The hours flew by and my day was going okay until Math class.  It all started when my teacher asked me to introduce myself to the class.  So I confidently stood there and said in a loud clear voice “Sup everyone. I’m Jenna and I just moved here from Florida.  Mess with me and you are dead meat.” Ending it with a bright cheerful smile.  ‘There’, I thought happily, ‘that should warn people not to mess with me’.  I took a seat near the back of the class and took out my notebook and started doodling.   However my doodling was soon interrupted when someone went up to me and said “Excuse me that is my seat. Get out.”

“Does this seat have your name on it?” I smartly asked. I knew it didn’t and there was no way I was going to lose such a great spot in the back of the class, where the teacher couldn’t really see you just because some asshole said the seat was his. No way Jose.

I looked up from my drawing in order to see what the guy was going to do, when my eyes met the guys.  His eyes were a deep chocolate brown and his shaggy brown hair fell messily almost covering those beautiful eyes.  Through his thin shirt I could see the outline of his abs, and let me tell you, they were the epitome of perfection. The guy was hot, no denying that, but I still wasn’t going to give my seat up for him. 

“Jason please just sit somewhere else and let me continue with my lesson” the teacher warned.  The guy, Jason, just looked at me with wide eyes for a while before mumbling something under his breath and goes sit in an empty seat.

**********Jason’s POV**********

I can’t believe I found her, my other half, my mate.  She was beautiful with her shiny blonde her falling in waves right below her shoulders and her eyes highlighted with that black eyeliner.  She had a slim figure that was accentuated by her form-fitting black clothing, and her pink lips that just made me want to kiss them.  Not to mention the fact she wasn’t the typical shy girl, no, she was outspoken and had a no nonsense attitude. She was perfect in her own way.  There was only one problem, she was obviously human.  That was not heard of anymore, for a werewolf to have a human mate. Sure it happened a long time ago when shifter girls were scarce otherwise we would all have died out, but nowadays girls in the pack were very common. The fact that I was the alpha’s son made it even weirder since alphas always mated with other werewolves in order to ensure that the offspring will be strong. So it was extremely weird for my mate to be human, but I didn’t care. I will make her fall for me and then when the time is right I will explain everything about us wolves to her.

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