Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

The next few days passed by quite quickly.  It was surprising actually how fast they passed considering I was in school.  Not much of anything happened. I pranked the Beta’s daughter, got detention for not doing my homework, you know the usual. 

“Sup” I greeted the teacher as I walked in late to Science class.  I hated science, so he should be happy that I even decided to show up.

“Jenna, you are 30 minutes late to class. This is unacceptable.”

“Chill Robert. I am in class, so that must count for something” I reply sitting down on my chair and propping my boot-clad feet on my desk, quite glad that my schedule had the frist and last names of teachers. I could see Robert was getting angry, a vain was popping in his neck. It was quite funny to see him get so angry actually.

“My name is Mr. Davids to you.  I have had it with your tardiness and your insolence! You have 2 weeks detention! I will see you after school starting today.”

“Umm yeah, that is going to be a problem Robert.” I tell him while pretending to look at my agenda, “It seems that I am booked for the next 2 years.”  I wasn’t really booked, I just didn’t do going to detention. I am in school long enough already.

“Fine, if you won’t cooperate Jenna I have no choice but to send you to the Principal’s office.”

“Yeah, yeah” I grabbed my bag and walked out. I knew the drill, it’s the same in every school. Upset the teacher, go to the principal’s office, get suspended for a few days, come back. It was all quite boring and repetitive actually. 

I slowly walked over to the principal’s office, a place I had grown quite familiar with in these few days of school.   When I got there the absent-minded secretary just let me in, used to seeing me here.  I knocked on the principal’s door and walked in without waiting for a reply.

“So I see you were sent to me again.” Principal Moore sighs.  I bet he is getting quite tired of seeing me here, but I kind of like his office.  It’s big with a dark mahogany bookshelf and desk, it has a mac computer sitting on his desk, surrounded by papers and pens.  On the walls he has some diplomas and family pictures on display and some comfortable black leather chairs in front of the desk.  Overall it was quite fancy for an office, but it had a nice homey feel to it.

I sat in one of the leather chairs and just stared into space waiting for Principal Moore to start his tirade.

“I see you have been kicked out of class again today for being late and disrespecting the teacher and then avoiding detention” Principal Moore starts.

“No offence sir, but it’s not my fault Mr. Davids just has it in for me.  I arrived to class and quietly sat down in my seat, then he just decided to start picking on me.” I say trying to sound innocent.  My acting skills seemed to be working because Principal Moore seemed to believe me.

“Ok. If that’s the case I’ll speak to Mr. Davids.  You may leave now and forget about the detention, just please try to be on time for class next time.” Principal Moore said opening the door for me.

I thanked him and left, a smug smile on my face.  I couldn’t believe that Principal Moore just let me off like that.  Usually I get suspended, but nope I didn’t even get detention this time!

2 hours later I was still in a happy mood as I approached my locker to drop off my backpack and get my money for lunch.  I grabbed my IPod as well and listened to some Simple Plan while I stood in line to grab my lunch.  I grabbed some sloppy joes that barely looked edible and as I looked for a table this girl just bumped into me, spilling her lunch all over my shirt.

“Watch where you’re going!” she exclaimed.

“Oh no. You watch where you are going bitch! You were the one who spilled her lunch all over me!”  My happiness dissolved as I started seeing red.

I had no idea who through the first punch.  But a few minutes later both of us were in a full blown fight.  A crowd started to gather around us but I paid no attention to it as I grabbed her hair, pulling her closer to me allowing me to deliver a hard punch to her stomach.  She doubled over in pain as I suddenly realized that the teachers would probably be here soon to separate us.  I did not need to go to the principal’s office again today, so I just quickly left the scene and ran to my locker and grabbed my bag.  I knew everyone would be able to tell I was involved in the fight so I quickly ran out of the school and into the nearby woods.  I spent some time in the woods running out my anger, trying to calm myself down before going home. 

No one was home when I arrived so I was able to clean up all the dried blood I had on me before my parents noticed.  Once I was clean I put on some comfy sweats and pulled my hair into a messy bun and laid in bed thinking about my day.  It was certainly eventful to say the least.  What was weird about it was how quickly I got angry and got into that fight.  Some people would just take a look at me and assume I’m a violent person, but I’m actually not.  It’s one of those things where someone just takes a look at my clothes and my make-up and assumes I’m the bad girl that always gets into fights and all that junk, but that’s not true at all.  I have never gotten in a fight before, I usually just settle disagreements using my words and maybe a few empty threats once in a while, so what compelled me to fight this time?  I just felt the anger boiling up in me and had to let it out.  That was another thing that was weird, how quickly I got angry over something so petty.  You have to admit that the fight was over something stupid, so why did I fight? I should have just shoved the girl to the side and continued as nothing had happened; it’s what I usually did anyway, so why was that not the case today?

I felt those thoughts just going over and over in my head and I couldn’t take it.  I hated it when my mind just wouldn’t shut up! I knew exactly what would calm my mind down, so I quickly got dressed in a tight black dress and paired it with some black boots that reached above my knee.  I then applied some make-up and let my long blonde hair fall down in loose waves.  ‘Perfect’ I whispered to myself as I grabbed my purse and made sure my fake I.D and phone were in there.  Lillian was at a friend’s house supposedly studying so I didn’t have to give her an excuse as to why I was leaving.  And as for my parents, well what they don’t know won’t kill them.

I texted a friend to come pick me up and then climbed out of the window.  There was a tree right outside, so it made sneaking in and out extremely easy.  My friend was waiting a few houses down from mine in his motorcycle and I just hopped on as we headed to the nearest club.  ‘This would certainly shut my brain up for some time’ I thought with a slight smile.  As long as I did not get completely wasted tonight no one would ever find out that I sneaked out.

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