Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Lillian was pacing around the room throwing clothes all around.  This was actually quite normal for her, she did this when she couldn’t find what to wear.  It drove me insane, I mean how hard can it be to find something suitable to wear when your closet is full of nice clothes?

“Just choose something already!” I exclaimed irritated as Lillian throws a particularly short and pink dress at me.

“It’s not that easy!” she responds her head buried in her closet again “I need to impress them. Plus I heard that the alpha’s son still doesn’t find a mate and he is fine.”

I just roll my eyes, pick up my laptop and go to the living room.  Maybe then I can watch the movie in peace.

3 hours later my parents come tell me that they are leaving for the pack party.  I just nod and pretend to go back to the movie.  But as soon as I hear the garage door close I shut my laptop and run upstairs to get ready.  My room looks like a tornado went through it. That is how messy Lillian left the room, with all her clothes thrown all over the place.

I took a quick shower and then pulled on my grey skinny jeans with a black crop top. I quickly grabbed some hoop earrings and a studded bracelet, applied my usual dark makeup and left my hair in it{s natural waves.  “Perfect” I say looking at myself in the mirror.  I looked good but at the same time looked normal, like if I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, which I wasn’t.  I was only going in order to have some sort of social activity and so that I didn’t feel left out.  My phone’s alarm rang telling me it was 8:00pm.  I turned the alarm off, put on my black combat boots, and grabbed my wallet before walking out the door to the bus station.  Thankfully my parents had stopped at the alpha’s house when we arrived in order to ask for permission to live here, so I knew how to get there.

I arrived at the party at 8:30, fashionably late.  I knew it was going to be held in their garden so I slowly walked over to the side door that lead to the garden.  As I got closer I got nervous. What if they smelled my scent and found out I was human? I hopped that wasn’t going to happen, that would be embarrassing.  Hopefully I had enough werewolf in my blood that when surrounded by wolves they wouldn’t be able to smell that I was human.

I could tell that I arrived right at the time the alpha welcomes my parents and sister into the pack.  My family where all in their wolf form kneeling (well as much as a wolf can kneel) in front of the alpha, while the alpha was touching their heads and saying “I alpha William from the Tainted Trees pack welcome you into the pack.”  When he finished welcoming them into the pack, my family stood up and walked over to a tent where they shifted back into their human form and got dressed.  “Now let’s party” the alpha announced as everyone broke into little groups and started talking.  I went to grab a bite to eat and then just stood in the outer edge of the property watching everyone mingle.  ‘I should be there with my family’ I thought looking at them, ‘If only I wasn’t a stupid runt’.

I suddenly felt someone grab my arm roughly and pull me into the pack house.

“Ow! That hurts!” I exclaim rubbing my arm when the person finally let go.

“Who are you and why are you spying on us, human?” the girl who grabbed me interrogates.

“My name is Jenna Brooks, and I wanted to see how my family was welcomed into the pack.” I say trying not to show my fear.  I should have been paying more attention, it was dangerous to get caught.  Since I was a human technically I could be put to death for knowing about werewolves.

“Oh really?” the girl replies skeptically. “Let’s see. I’ll call them here and ask them.”

She turns around and is about to walk outside when she turns back “stay here, I’m trusting you” she warns.

Once the girl is outside I quickly and quietly run out the front door and grab a taxi to get back home.  That girl is crazy if she expects me to stay put and wait for the sentencing.  Even if I didn’t get killed my parents would ground me if they found out I was here. 

Once I got home I washed my makeup off, put on my PJ’s and went down to the living room to watch some TV while eating popcorn.  I was halfway through the second season of Pretty Little Liars when my parents and sister arrived.  I paused the TV laughing silently at the position Aria’s face was in when I paused the show.  Those things always amused me.  I went over to the kitchen where I saw my parents.

“How was the party?” I asked, pretending I didn’t know.

“It was good up until the point when the beta’s daughter said that she had caught a human who was trespassing and the human had said that she was with us.”

“Oh really?” I interrupted my parents, feigning surprise.

“Yes but the weird thing is that when we got to the living room where the human was held captive there was no one there.” My parents finished giving me a pointed look. “Do you know what was going on?”

“How would I know?” I asked “I’ve been here the whole time watching Pretty Little Liars. Plus I don’t even know where the party was.”

My acting skills seemed to pay off since my parents just let me off the hook.  Woo! I am so glad that I decided to take acting classes in middle school.  I turned the TV off then headed up to bed.  I was about to fall asleep when I remembered I had homework I hadn’t done.  ‘Screw it’ I thought getting comfortable. Who I their right mind assigns homework on the first day? Plus I have better things to do than finding out the value of X in an equation.  Such as getting payback on the Beta’s daughter for ratting me out.


A/N: Hey people!!! sorry for the late update.  I had so many stuff to do!! But anyway, here's the next chapter. hope you enjoyed it.  And idk when the next update will be. Sorry. I started school almost a month ago (wow. Has it really been that long?) So I'm super busy. As a matter of fact, I should be doing my homework right now, but this is waaayyyy more interesting. 

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