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"Hey. How do you feel?" Jay asked her as she sat down for breakfast. For the past couple of days, Rhea had been staying at Jay's flat on bed rest as she got hurt pretty bad. Jay had refused to let her anywhere without him and made sure to keep a close eye on her.

Rhea smiled as she sat down next to him, "I'm fine. A little sore still but Will says I should be good to go back to work tomorrow. Today, I just want to relax and not have anything to worry about." Jay and the Intelligence Unit had found that the guy that broke into her flat had fled to New York and there was nothing they could do, as least not until her came back into town.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. Well, I have the day off so you're stuck with me." He smiled.

"I'm sure we can work something out."

Rhea and Jay spent the rest of the day watching movies and getting to know each other

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Rhea and Jay spent the rest of the day watching movies and getting to know each other. They had both realised that while Rhea had been staying with Jay, they both knew nothing about each other so they set out to change that. Rhea knew she liked Jay but she knew he was holding back. He wasn't ready and she didn't want to push him, and frankly part of her wasn't either.

"Lost in thought once again?" Jay smiled.

Rhea smiled as Jay moved closer to her, "Yeah. I couldn't stop thinking about the past couple of days. I have no idea what to do but I know that I'm not alone, not now and I won't be. Thank you for being there for me."

Jay smiled softly as she grabbed her hand, "I told you. You're not alone and I promise I'm going to protect you no matter what. I'm here for you because I care about you. I don't know when and I don't know why but you make me happy and I want to protect you no matter what."

"I could say the same. I don't know when or why but I have never felt this way about anyone before and it scares me but when I look at you, I know I'm in good hands. I'm scared about what is to come but I know I'm not alone."

He smiled down at the young doctor, "I'm terrified too but we have each other." The both slowly leaned in before their lips touched. Jay was quick to deepen the kiss, pulling her in closer by grabbing the back of her neck lightly. Their lips moved in sync, slowly, loving the feel of their lips upon the other. Slowly, they pulled away, foreheads pressing against each other.

"I'm here," he vowed. As the two got lost in each other's eyes, someone knocked on the door. Jay pressed a kiss to her forehead before getting up to open the door. When he did, he froze in shock.


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