3 | scared

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10 minutes later, Jay had pulled up at Rhea's house after she had sent him her address

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10 minutes later, Jay had pulled up at Rhea's house after she had sent him her address. The young doctor was sat on her doorstep, shivering as she rocked back and forth. It was obvious to the young detective that she was terrified and whatever she had seen had scarred her.

"Rhea." Jay yelled as he got out of the car and ran towards her. Rhea could make out the figures that were standing behind him but they didn't matter to her as she wrapped her arms around Jay when he walked over to her. Jay was quick to wrap his arms around her as he tried to comfort the woman. She was shaking and wasn't going to be stopping soon.

"What happened?" He asked softly.

Rhea sighed before pulling away slightly, "I came home from my shift and I found the place like that. I know who did it."


"An ex. He wrote on the wall, 'I'm coming back for what's mine.' I know it's him and I'm terrified. There was a reason why I moved back to Chicago. I can't go through this again." Rhea spoke as tears brimmed in her eyes.

Jay pulled her closer once again, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Not while I can do something about it." Rhea didn't want to admit it but she trusted that he would protect her.

After her initial shock, Jay took Rhea to the station while the rest of the team cleared her apartment

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After her initial shock, Jay took Rhea to the station while the rest of the team cleared her apartment. Rhea was sat by Jay's desk with a cup of coffee. It was easy to see that she hadn't stopped shaking.

"Can you tell me about the person you suspect broke into your place?" Hank Voight asked.

Rhea took a deep breathe, "He was someone I used to work with. His name is Nigel Parker. Nothing happened between us and I made it perfectly clear that I wanted nothing to happen. He began stalking me, I took it to the police but all they could do was get me a restraining order. It got worse as the days went by, and one day he broke into my place and almost killed my brother and beat me of an inch of my life. I was in a coma for two months. Thanks to Will Halstead, I changed my name and moved back to Chicago." Everyone looked at the female with admiration, despite it all she fought through it all. It was sad to see that he had to go through it again.

Hank nodded his head, "Thank you." Hank turned to face his team as he began giving them orders on what to do next. He then turned to face Jay, "Get her to a safe house and stay with her."

"She can stay with me." Jay replied. As much as Rhea wanted to argue about putting him in danger, she felt safe with Jay and his brother that she knew lived with him.

 As much as Rhea wanted to argue about putting him in danger, she felt safe with Jay and his brother that she knew lived with him

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"Thank you for letting me stay with you." Rhea smiled. While she had a discussion with Hank, Jay had gone to her place to grab her some stuff with the help of Kim Burgess.

Jay passed her a cup of tea, "I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you. My team and I will do everything we can to help you in any way that we can. We will catch this guy."

Rhea smiled, "Thank you. I really appreciate everything you have don't for me. I know you don't really know me but I really appreciate everything you have done for me."

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Not while I'm still here." Jay vowed.

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