Hello we are 'Mayhem' [rewrite]

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Author POV

"come on hyung! Please get up!" Daehyun's voice was the only thing the boys where able to hear throughout the dorm, earning him a few grunts and groans form his elders who obviously didn't want to get out of bed that early "I swear to God Dae! When I get my hands on you, you're dead!" Dongho, the eldest of the group, the best morning person ever! Said no one ever. Daehyun walks around opening all of the boy's rooms, Jaewon's then Minsoo's and then the dreaded... Dongho.

 Jaewon is the first to sluggishly walk out of his room, plopping himself down on the coach with a sigh "Why're you so loud?" Minsoo pipes up in a hoarse voice as he stands in his bedroom doorway with a tired facial expression "we have a fan meet today!" Daehyun says with an excited smile causing Minsoo to growl "in an hour and a half! MOM! Im going back to sleep" Minsoo shuts his door as Dongho walks towards Daehyun who is standing next to Jaewon, the entire mood in the room changes. Not a sound left either of their mouths as they looked at Dongho "Wake me up at 7am again. I will not hesitate to murder you" Dongho glares dagger at Daehyun as he flinches, Jaewon touches Dongho's chest with his palm before handing him a cup of coffee, He refuses and walks back to his room "wake me up in half an hour." Dongho slams his bedroom door as Minsoo pokes his head out of his room to laugh.

Daehyun and Minsoo exchange glances before nodding, they both immediately look at Jaewon who stares back with a confused expression "what?..." Jaewon tilts his head as Minsoo smirks "Wake him up" Jaewon's face goes pale "Do you want me to die? You do it! Or even better! Get the maknae to do it!" Jaewon says defensively pointing at Daehyun who gasp "No! he will kill us!" they both plead and beg as Jaewon drops his head in defeat "Fine, but if I die. It's you fault!" Jaewon stands up with a grunt, Daehyun and Minsoo gives him the thumbs up as he slowly walked towards Dongho's room. 

Jaewon knocks on the door softly waiting a few minutes 'no answer?' he thought before knocking louder receiving a grunt "Im coming in" Jaewon opens the door before it slams shut before he can enter the room "Leave. Me. Alone." Dongho says in a hoarse voice 'Shit-' Jaewon gulped "No! get your sorry ass out of the room before I beat the living shit out of you! the fans are waiting!" Jaewon immediately sprints away from the door, hearing the nob turn and an angry Dongho runs after him "You punk!" Dongho yells as he stops seeing Jaewon hide behind Minsoo "Help! Im going to die!" Jaewon screeches "At least he's out of bed?" "mhm" Minsoo and Daehyun hold their stomachs as they break out laughing.

The boys get into the car, Jaewon sitting next to Minsoo and Daehyun is shitting himself sadly sitting next to a very agitated Dongho, the entire drive was silent, no one dared speak or utter a single word out of fear. The screams of fans outside the car changed the entire mood of the car, it was thick and heavy with nervousness but now its energetic and happy as they all set out of the car.

"Hello we are mayhem!" All the boys say in unison, seeing the fans smiling and chanting made the entire mess that happened that morning turn into a blur, they received gifts from various fans. They were all friendly, Minsoo giving out fan service by moving a fans hair out of their face causing them to squeal and blush deep crimson colours. The boys always seem to have fun at the meets, for a band that was new and had just debut they couldn't be any happier with how things were going for them. 

After the meet finished they were all packed up and were driving back to the dorms "Dongho-hyung i-" Jaewon goes to speak but is cut off by a deep snarl "Stop with the 'hyung this and hyung that' it's too formal. I hate it" he looks at Jaewon who looked visibly taken back "Never thought Dongho would hate being formal" Minsoo chuckles causing the other boys to laugh softly "what're we going to do when we get back?" Daehyun asks with a smile "Eat" "Sleep" "Video games" The other members reply in soft voices causing Daehyun to whine "B-but it's the middle of the day!! Let's do something fun!" he pouts and sighs, Minsoo flicks Daehyun's forehead "As long as you stop screeching!" Minsoo sighs pushing his head out of his face "I don't care honestly" Jaewon replies as they pulled up to the dorms "I don't want to, but if I do! Will you leave me alone?!" Dongho glares at the other members, they all nod with big smiles.

word count: 880

A/N: ahhhh! this is one of many rewrites!! i am definitely much happier with how this one was written >3< i hope you guys don't mind that I'm re writing ':(( anyways~ ya salty bae will be back soon with more content, bye <3 

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