Just a dream

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A/N: yea this gets smutty I'm sorry, i have some sort of filter. also you said you were fine with smut? so here ya go... hope u like the chapter

Jaewon POV

I had woken up with the sun hitting my face at an unusual angle, the lock on the small window clattering softly against the windowsill with the wind, the sounds seem louder as i sit up running my hand through my messy Crimson bed head.

'i dont remember falling asleep..' 

i ponder on the idea of when i fell asleep and how i got here? if.. wait? where is he?! I took his bed T^T I'm sorry Dongho, i get up and walk towards the door before looking down seeing I'm in a big black jumper with boxers, my faces goes bright red as i walk into the kitchen, the boys no where in sight, throughout the lounge or kitchen, i lean against the counter top feeling the cold marble on the palms of my hands .

'maybe they went out without me?'

suddenly i step away from the fridge i feel someones arm snake around my torso and jump slightly in fright as i pull away slightly

"ya... don't move your warm" i hear a hoarse and husky voice say as i feel as head dip down and lay on my shoulder

"well aren't you up early?" i mummer softly knowing exactly who it was, as i turn my head slightly to look at him

"you got out of bed, it was cold" he pouts lifts his head off my shoulder giving me a soft kiss on the forehead 

"I'm sorry, i didn't want to wake you up" i say with a small smile as he grabs my wrist and spins me around and pulls me in for a hug

"warm" i hear him mutter as he places his head on my shoulder hugging me tightly 

"okay mr 'I'm so cold' go back get changed" i say trying to push him off me 

"no..." he whines as i leave him be before he slowly shuffles away and back into his room

'weird... he's clingy?'

"this is really weird... it seems... different. The nice different."

I go back to the fridge and start making breakfast. I wonder what he likes.

I crack some eggs ( :))4 eggs) into the sizzling pan. What happen last night. I got bright red as my imagination runs loose looking down at the eggs before flipping them and taking them out and placing onto a plate.

"Dongho..." i call out softly and he pops his head out of the doorway 

"mhm?" he walks out putting his shirt on and sitting on the kitchen stool in front of me as i slide him a plate

"here, eat" i give him a smile as he bows slightly before eating 

"thank you Jae" he says with a small smile before i walk back to the bedroom and switching the light on 

"i wish the light was blue not white, it would look pretty"i mumble softly and in a flicker of the light it changes colour

"what the fuck?!" i look confused as i rub my eyes and it changes back to white

"i must be really tired" i yawn as i put on a short sleeved shirt, a jumper and jeans before walking out of my room 

"ready to go babe?" he asks as i nod sitting down and putting my shoes on

"yeah, where are the other boys?" i ask as he looks confused

"pft okay, act like you don't know" he chuckles as he intertwines our fingers

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