Is this a test? [rewrite]

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A/N: mild violence! Please read with caution!

Jaewon POV

Weeks have gone by since the kiss, millions of views on shared videos that we struggle to take down. Every retweet of it has hundreds of thousands of likes. It's nothing but a rumor so what is the problem? Oh, only the fact it's exposing one of my deepest secrets but oh well! It's fine!

I'm sitting down at a circular coffee table with a small ceramic cup in my hands as I look down, swirling the coffee around with a spoon "it's been weeks and I'm still not over it, the news has made three reports which I've had to deny? But the thing is... I don't want to deny them" I say with a small sigh looking up from the cup to see Jun staring at me with a less harsh facial expression "mhm, I see... why don't you tell Dongho that?" he suggests as I chuckle shaking my head "he'd hate me if I said that" I frown slightly, my facial expression stays blank for a few minutes before Jun pipes up "first thing I can say is, stop frowning you'll get wrinkles... second you're an idiot. Just tell him how you feel" Jun says as I take a sip of my coffee, choking slightly before placing it back down on the plate "idiot? I am not!" I argue back, Jun has a smirk plastered on his face as we throw insults back and forth. I sit back in the chair and look up at him "Jun... Do you- think I'm a bad person?" I ask in a quiet voice, barely audible as Jun shakes his head "no I don't. I think you're a good person who's just misunderstood..." I look over at the elder with a slight head tilt "say what?" "never mind." Jun immediately answered.

I continue to look at him in confusion "so? Mind telling me what we are going to do?" Jun looks over at me and shrugs, picking up his coffee cup and sipping it slowly "well, you're going to have to make him mad somehow, leave the house and if he cares at all he will follow. And I can tell by the comment I made a while ago, he cares" Jun said as I choked on my coffee "Make him mad? I can't raise my voice at a fly! Let alone my hyung..." I spoke softly as Jun shook his head "just do it. We wouldn't want for him to lose his man would we now?" Jun says with a smirk, I instantly stand up "i- thank you for the coffee Jun I will be on my way now. Thank you for the advice" I turn around and walk out of the small café and down the quiet street that slowly darkens as the daylight slips away allowing darkness to arise.

I walk in the front door of our reasonably sized dorms, slamming the door behind myself causing the sound to echo throughout the dorm. The other members walk out of their separate rooms in a hurry to see what caused the loud sound "Hyung...? Are you okay?" Daehyun says as I avert my eyes and walk directly towards Dongho shoving him back against the wall as hard as I possibly could "You are fucking a dick!" I grab hold of his collar, Dongho looks lost in confusion as he gently takes hold of my wrists "what did I do?" He asks as he grit my teeth "you didn't deny the accusations! Everyone thinks we're dating!" I spat, he pulls me off his collar slowly "I was with you when we both denied the accusations..." Dongho states as I take a step back from him "like hell you did! I saw the reports! They say you approved!" I yell- oh how I wish I didn't yell. I turn around and walk towards the door as Dongho grabs my shoulder forcing me to face him "what the hell has gotten into you? You never raise your voice like this..." He looks at me with a cold yet warm stare "I don't want the accusations to be true. Leave me alone." I pull away from his grip before walking out of the house, slamming the door once again before bolting down the street.

Minsoo looks at Dongho completely horrified at what just went down "What the hell? Did you not pay attention Dongho?!" Minsoo yells, Dongho just shakes his head "I denied them! I swear!" Dongho takes a deep breathe in "Daehyun? Where was he before he came home?" Dongho asked the youngest, Daehyun shrugged while scratching the back of his neck lightly "uh? The café... I think?" Daehyun responds as Dongho grabs his jacket off the coat rack "where the hell are you going?!" Minsoo scolds as Dongho stands at the door "Jun." is all Dongho replied before leaving the house, it doesn't take him long to figure out where I went.

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