Conversations & Disasters [rewrite]

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Author POV

The door was filled with an eerie silence that seemed to linger around for more time than needed, dance practice was starting soon and the rest of the members were warming up, stretching or doing what Minsoo does best, take a selfie in front of the mirror, "So? Are you two going to tell us why you were running like you were about to die this morning?" Daehyun asks while closing the door to the dance room, everyone's faces turned towards me with a blank expression "Fans. So many fans, so we ran. Simple" Dongho speaks bluntly, his gold stare pierces through Daehyun ending the conversation then and there. They start on dance practice which goes less that smoothly today, a few falls and curse words thrown back and forth between the two eldest members "Stop hitting me!" Minsoo grunts getting a very unpleased glare from Dongho "well if you stopped moving into my spot we wouldn't have this problem!" Dongho takes a step towards Minsoo as Daehyun runs in between both of the boys stopping them from going any closer. A few minutes of bickering is stopped when Jaewon's phone ringtone blares through the dance room, echoing off every wall "Turn the damn phone off!" Dongho yells as Jaewon looks at him with a frightened expression that only darkens when he looks down at his phone.

Jaewon Pov

I look down at my phone to new articles that have been forwarded to me, nothing but articles about the mess of yesterday, I immediately check the sender as my eyes widen in shock. I hit the call button and wait anxiously as the phone rings "Good morning Jaewon." The voice says from the other side- Satan himself finally answered my calls "ah- hello Sir" I say with a shaky voice, he chuckles on the other end "I suppose you saw the articles?" I feel my heart drop at his words. I gulp harshly "uh no I haven't sir, what articles?" I lie to save myself from a heart attack "come to my office now, and tell Dongho to come as well, this concerns him too" he ends the phone call before I have time to process what he had said. I look towards the boys as my eyes drop to the floor "CEO again? Why does he have to pick on you?" Minsoo asks as I shrug, I look over at Dongho with a small frown "it's not just me this time... Dongho we've been summoned together" I speak softly as Dongho doesn't react, he's not entirely surprised "is it about yesterday?" Daehyun asks, I simply nod my head as my eyes drift off him onto the floor "it'll be fine, let's go" Dongho grabs me by the end of my sleeve as I wave to the other members with my free hand before walking out the door. The agency is around the corner, a short walk to not cause a scene when walking between the dorm and there, I shake my shirt from his grip "Do you know why he wanted to talk to the both of us? It's usually just you" Dongho says in a cold tone as I shrug "I don't know... sorry, maybe about yesterday?" I question him before letting out a sigh "Don't sigh, it's stupid. There must be a reason for him to want us both" Dongho says causing me to flinch at his words "its either the fact we were outside together or we ran away from fans..." I say as we walk through the revolving door of the agency, not even a minute before we walk through the doors we get escorted up on an 'urgent' meeting pass or whatever they wanted to call it, I'd say bullshit but whatever. We reach his room and knock twice before entering "Well hello boys, come have a seat" He says as we have blank expressions plastered on out faces, we both take a seat "what is this about? We were just about to start practicing a new choreography" Dongho says in annoyance as I elbow him in the side earning myself an angry glare "ah yes well, we have a problem. You both don't seem to go outside of the dorms a lot on your own or with others, and now seeing that you went out together shopping its caused a bit of an upset- just read" He spoke clearly handing us a tablet with an article opened to the screen.

9.8.18 Madness in Mayhem?

Two mayhem members, Kang Dongho and Ahn Jaewon 'WYLD' have been spotted at the Seoul mall late yesterday evening, both these rappers are the unlikely pair to go out from their dorms unaccompanied, Their Leader Lee Minsoo and Maknae Kim Daehyun were also spotted walking around shopping like on many other occasions. They are always seen as a group never individuals, what does this mean for the two main rappers? Fans say they were spotted shopping for shirts, jumpers, jeans and other clothing items at multiple stores. Is there any meaning to this outing? Do we have a secret relationship between the boys? And if so how will their fans the 'mayniacs' react to this?

Dongho stares are the article with an open mouth "Bull shit!" Dongho blurts out before glaring up at the CEO "excuse me?" the CEO says in a hoarse voice that catches my attention, forcing my gaze of the tablet and onto him "They can't make assumptions like that..." I pipe up as the smile on his face twists and contorts into a sick grin "it's not an assumption, more of a little white lie? Hm" He says as I feel a shudder go down my spine "no... it's lying to the public; can you not see the position it's going to put us in Sir?" I argue back as a groan escapes Dongho's lips "I will not tell them it's false, nor will I tell them it is true" The CEO says as Dongho stands up abruptly "you can't fucking do that!" He raises his voice, I sink into my chair and dip my head down as the elder male's expression turns dark "Do not forget who you are talking to Dongho. You will do as I say because I OWN you. Now get out, the both of you!" He speaks clearly about what he wants, I stand up and walk out of the room. Dongho stands there for an extra minute just glaring at him before walking out to meet me at the elevator, he's fuming "Dongho... it's no big deal, the mayniacs won't think much of it" I speak softly, my eyes never leave the floor as his foot taps in nervousness "It's not a small deal either Jaewon! It's a massive lie! It's not like anything is going on between us! Nor will it ever!" He yells turning from the elevator to face me, I take a step back and flinch at his voice, I take a shaky step back as his expression grows dark "I-Im sorry I didn't mean to upset you Hyung-" I speak just above a whisper out of fear "You didn't mean to? Huh sounds familiar!" Dongho yells once again as I grit my teeth looking down before pushing him backwards harshly "I'm sorry okay?! Just drop it and stop being a dick!" I growl taking a few steps back before walking away towards the stair's. I slowly make my way down 21 flights of stairs with my hands in my pockets mumbling curse words to myself, once I reach the bottom I see Dongho's figure standing beside the door "I'm sorry" is all Dongho says as he walks towards me "mistakes were made... put it behind us and let's go back to the dorm? Okay?" I ask, he nodded as we turn towards the doors and begin to walk back towards the dorm we call home.

Word count: 1353

A/N:How'd you like this Re Written chapter?! I hope it wasn't too bad :> i tried to add more detail into it! like last time, the next chapter has mild Smut :) so be careful~!

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