Visitor from hell [rewrite]

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Author POV

Daehyun had suggested for all of the boys to go to an amusement park... Dongho regret's opening his mouth. He tried to object... it didn't work out too well "Dongho-hyung! Get out of the car!!" Daehyun grabs Dongho's hand and practically drags him out of the car "It is too early for this! Let me go back to sleep!" he grunt's, holding onto the door of the car for dear life, a soft yet firm kick was sent to his stomach forcing him out of the car. he turns and glare at the person, holding his stomach in pain "What? It was the only way to get him out!" Minsoo shrugs, flashing a devilishly cheeky smile. He hops out of the car and closes the door behind himself "I want to go home" Dongho grumbles "let's go! I want to do a gun game" Minsoo says loudly, grabbing Dongho's sleeve and dragging him towards the games "what?! Minsoo!! Let me go!" He struggles against the youngers tight grip but gives in anyway and allow the younger to slowly drag him away. "alright, meet back here in 3 hours! Have fun bye bye!" Daehyun drags Jaewon away and towards the food and massive rides

"Whay did you have to choose a gun game of all games??! You know you cant shoot dumbass!" Dongho laugh at Minsoo's attempt at hitting the targets center, landing on the outer edges, Dongho picks up the gun and hit mostly the circle close to the center earning a displeased grunt form the younger male standing beside him "so Hyung, what's with you and Jaewon~?" Minsoo's words throw the elder male off, causing the last of his shots to land on the outter circle as he coughs "what do you mean?— Hey!! You did that on purpose you cheat!" Dongho says with a gasp, harshly ruffling up Minsoo's hair "no way to prove it! I did no much thing!" He laughs, picking out a cat plushy as a winning prize.

Minsoo grabs the plushy and hands it to Dongho "looks like Boba.. you should have it" He smiled warmly to the elder, deciding to drop the honorifics "thanks, I'll cherish it forever~" Dongho coos, gently taking the cat plushy out of Minsoo's hands "oh, and I have a question.." Minsoo asks as the two begin to walk throughout the amusement park "hm? About?" Dongho asks suspiciously.

"about you and Jaewon's relationship? I mean the CEO seems to love messing around in your business but.. are you two really a thing? Like, Officially together or what? I need to know the latest gossip!" Minsoo says without hesitation, a deep blush spreads across Dongho's face, his ears brunt a deep crimson "I mean... I really don't know, if we are a thing or not, I'd like to say we were? But..." He stops mid-way through his sentence, Minsoo gently grabs his shoulder and turns the elder towards him "but?" Minsoo asks cautiously "but... we're idols... what can we do? Our lives are in the eyes of the public 24/7, its probably best if we never make it official... it could hurt the reputation of the company" Dongho speaks softly, his voice is softer than usual which shocks Minsoo, they both sit down on a bench next to a small grass area "Dongho...who really cares?? If you two are happy nothing else should matter! Yes, you would have to watch what you do in public for reasons that you are still Idols! But that shouldn't give you a reason to ignore your heart and leave everything behind you" Minsoo sighed, his hand was gently rested on Dongho's shoulder as he spoke "I guess I can't help but worry about what people would think" he sighed.

They all eventually left the amusement park a few hours later, as per usual Daehyun had promised to cook and followed through on his words, he was in the kitchen, leaning over the stove to stir the pasta that was in the pot. A loud thud echoed through the dorm as Minsoo rushed out of his room towards the thud "who. The fuck put that there??!" Jaewon screeches, pointing at the cat plushy that sits on the edge of a shelf in the corridor "the cat?" Minsoo questions, his head tilted to the side in confusion slightly "Burn it. In a fire! Get rid of it!" Jaewon cries out, shuffling back on the floor "no! its mine! Don't burn it" Dongho down the corridor and grabs the cat plushy, moving it from the front of the shelf to be behind a few objects "i-its yours?" Jaewon slowly stands up and backs away from the shelf "I'm sorry Jae... I forgot about, well what happened... I'm sorry" Dongho apologizes, bowing to him slightly "It's okay" Jaewon smiled weakly before walking away from the area completely.

For the rest of the night Jaewon had avoided the corridor of the dorm completely, stating that he got weird vibes from it, which was completely understandable from what had happened with the fan and the penguin spy cam. Jaewon had been very jumpy for the entire night, if you touch his shoulder without him knowing you were there he would scream and turn around with tears brimming in his eyes. By the time Jaewon had given up on avoiding it the clock had struck 10oclock, the rest of the member went to bed by 8oclock and he was the only one left awake at that point "it just had to be near my room?" Jaewon whispered as he closes his eyes and sprints though his doorway and into his room.

Jaewon leant his back against the had wood door, sliding his back down the room as he brings his knees up to his chest, breathing in slowly and deeply as he shakes his head, ridding his thoughts of the 'thing' on the shelf. Thinking of anything but that, he whispered inaudible words to himself as comfort. Time seemed to past far too quickly for Jaewon to process, the last thing he saw was the cold moonlight peering through his window curtains which were open ever so slightly, he closed his eyes for what seemed like a second to blink but it seemed to be for hours as he was now watching the deep blue sky shift and change into a delightful mixture of pinks, yellows, oranges and slight reds that spread across the sky as the sun started to rise. Jaewon's eyelids began to feel heavy, his head gently fell down to touch his chin to his chest as he fell into a deep slumber.

Dongho had woken up at 5am, walking out to the corridor and picking up the cat and walking back to his own room. He placed it down on the bed before walking back into the corridor where he pressed his ear to the cold wood of Jaewon's door, the soft snores of Jaewon were gently echoing through his room, he gently opens the door, catching the younger before he could have fallen back and hit the floor. Dongho picked Jaewon up and softly lays him down on the soft mattress, pulling the blanket up to cover him "I wonder if you went to sleep earlier... or just then, you don't seem to sleep anymore" Dongho whispers softly, placing a small kiss on the youngers forehead. Dongho walked out of the room with a small smile across his lips before a thought crossed his mind as he closed his own room door and sat on his bed.

"is there anything between us Jaewon?"

word count: 1325

A/N: OH MY GOD I FINALLY UPDATE WOOO im sorry I takeso long! I just loose motivation but I am determined to finish this before2019!! Anyway how'd you like this chapter? my writing style has changed a bit from when i first wrote this book.. i hope you guys don't mind the change! I'm finally happy with how I'm writing! :D

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