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Epilogue: Rei Suzuya

"Why are you crying?" A girl with white long hair said, she have red shining eyes. The blue haired kid was just keep on crying. The girl placed a hand on his shoulder. He lifted his face up to see the girl but the girl got startled for a moment when she saw his eyes pure black with a red pupil.

"Y-Your eyes..." the girl said nervously. The blue-haired kid just hung his head again.

"I'm a ghoul... everyone hated me for killing other people. But humans are all we can eat." The blue-haired boy spoke. The girl just smiled. "That's alright, someday they'll understand." She said trying to give her comfort. He wiped those tears falling through his eyes and looked to the smiling girl in front of him.

"Let's make a deal!" Rei suggested. Ayato tilted his head. "What is it?"

"You won't kill humans and I won't hate ghouls and we can make good friends! Deal?" Rei asked

"Ahh, Finally I found— Oh, sorry I didn't see you there." Touka came out suddenly in the scene and faced the unfamiliar girl.

"It's nice to meet your friend, may I know her?" Touka told his younger brother Ayato. "She's Rei Suzuya."

"It's nice to meet you Rei-chan! I'm Touka Kirishima!" Touka said and handed her hand. "IT's nice to meet the both of you! You two are twins?!" Rei asked cheerfully.

"Yup! But I'm older than him!" Touka said and wrapped her arm around her younger brother's neck. "Hey! Quit it!" Ayato said while trying to remove the arm around his neck.


"Ghouls have different tastes from humans, I've figured that out." Ayato said while kicking the rocks he saw on his way.

"Oh, so that's why ghouls are forced to eat humans." Rei said, her thumb on her chin.


"We're moving out, but I hope we can meet again if there's a chance to..." Rei said while scratching the back of her head.

"Yup! We hope so too! Safe trip" Touka said and waved at her. "Wait! Before you go, I wanted to make promises with you!" Ayato said and crossed his arms. "Sure what is it?"

"Promise me, if we met again, you'll still remember me. Okay?" Ayato said. Rei laughed and nodded her head "Of course I will! So... See ya!"


Juuzou have dreamt about everything, about everyone, about HER past. She woke up with tears falling down her face, next to her was Ayato, defeated. She found that Seido was about to shoot his head but stopped by her.

"DON'T!" She shouted and shielded his old friend. Seido disappointingly looked at her. "Are you out of your mind?! Your new partner is a ghoul!"

"He's not just a ghoul! He's a friend of mine in the past...! I finally remembered everything..." Juuzou said seriously. Seido dropped his gun and listened. Touka just smiled warmly while sitting and was tortured badly, her back was leaning against the wall of the building. "He just wanted to explain how ghouls have unacceptable life, there's a reason behind why ghouls have to eat humans... It's because that's the only choice they have..." Juuzou explained. Seido remained in silence and stood quietly, felt a little guilt.

"Ghouls might have that story but, I will never accept one of them" Seido said and left them on the rooftop. Juuzou turned to Ayato and quickly ran towards him.

【心做し】 Kokoronashi 『Between Ghouls and Doves』Where stories live. Discover now