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Chapter Six: Unexpected Incident

"I'll be taking this one." Ayato said and run up towards to Nishiki with his quinque. 'Damn, so I'm also have to use this thing.' Ayato thought.

"Are you serious?!" an investigator said but Ayato ignored him. As his quinque activated, Nishiki shielded himself with his kagune.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Ayato asked the gold-haired guy in front of him. Nishiki just smirked and glanced at him for a while. "It seems that you're doing fine. I just visited for a little fight."

"Here I come!!!" Juuzou shouted, who was floating in the air with his Jason. They both turned to him. "Shoot, she's here... hit me and get your guts out of here till you get killed up by her." Ayato glanced back to him. Ayato let himself hit by Nishiki as he flew and left the rooftop. Juuzou's Jason smashed the ground where the enemy stood.

"How bothersome..." Juuzou said and quickly got up. He removed his quinque on the ground. He glanced at his companion. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine." Ayato said while standing up. He fixed his necktie and remove some dirt sticking over his uniform. "Want to go chow down again?" An unexpected invite from his companion. Ayato stared at him for a moment while his companion was staring at him too. Juuzou tilted his head, his arms crossed while waiting for an answer.

"You bet." He grinned as they walk towards to the obvious place.

They ordered the same as the first time they eat; noodles. It was a little hard for Juuzou to use it, while Ayato was using the chopsticks very well. Ayato was about to eat the first string of his noodles but he realized his companion, hardworking on his chopsticks. 'I'm the ghoul... but you're the one who doesn't know how to use a human thing' he thought and giggled uneasily.

"This is how you do it." Ayato said and show his hand with his chopsticks. Juuzou copied how his fingers are formed together with the chopsticks as he remembered just like how his last companion have tought him about the chopsticks thing works yet he forgot it. "Like this?" He asked and presented his hands to his current companion.

"Exactly!" Ayato yelled and snapped his fingers. "Yay~!" Juuzou said joyfully and started chowing. Ayato haven't eat anything yet into his food and just stared at it. He might threw up if he eat everything up, he knew he couldn't just stare at it. His companion will doubt about it. He started eating the first string and quickly drink water after it. Juuzou placed down the empty bowl together with the chopsticks in it and burped.

"That's delicious..." He sighed in relief. "Do you want more?" Ayato asked nervously as Juuzou came up with a good answer.

"Yes please!"

"You can have mines." Ayato said and pushed his noodles towards to Juuzou.

"Are you sure?! It seemed that you didn't eat it." Juuzou said, his arms crossed. "Well, I'm too full at drinking the water, and I honestly didn't like noodles." Ayato lied. "Okay!" Juuzou said and grabbed the bowl in front of him and started eating his noodles.


After they eat, they started heading back to the place of the CCGs. While walking, Ayato didn't want it awkward, he started talking, and telling stories with his companion.

"Ahh, I see." Juuzou said while looking at their footsteps. "So, did your friend still come back?" Juuzou turned his head to his companion waiting for him to response. Ayato nodded his head. "She did but—" before Ayato have finished, Juuzou quickly grabbed his shirt when he slipped.

"Ju..!" Ayato grabbed his companion and wrapped his arms around him as a protection whatever that might harm him, they rolled down through the hill and ended up in a flat grassy place. Juuzou was laying on his companion's chest while Ayato's arms are still wrapped at him. Ayato blinked and looked at his companion who was resting on his chest. Juuzou got up a little and blinked when he saw his companion staring back at him, they're faces are close.

"Um..." It became so much awkward when Ayato started getting his companion's attention to get off him now. Juuzou's face heated and jumped out of him when he realized their position.

"I'm sorry! I didn't meant that!" Juuzou said and bow her head to his companion, completely red-faced. His heart was beating fast but he shouldn't felt that way. After all he claim himself as a boy.

"No, the important thing is you're safe." Ayato said while scratching the back of his head. His face blushing a little. "We better head back." Ayato said and walk together with his companion.

"I'm sorry... If I didn't pulled you up, things won't happen earlier." Juuzou said while hanging his head.

"It's okay, just don't talk about it." Ayato said while uncomfortably walking together with his companion. Juuzou just sighed. "I mean, um... I uh... What I meant was I don't want to talk about it but I'm not mad because it happened." Ayato said without looking at his companion.

'Why do I feel so uncomfortable...?' Juuzou thought himself

【心做し】 Kokoronashi 『Between Ghouls and Doves』Where stories live. Discover now