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Chapter Seven: Broken Promises

As they reached the place, Juuzou headed to his dorm in the building while Ayato was left standing and staring at the door of his. He was zoned for a minute, thinking of what happened earlier. He smiled slightly and put himself back together and sighed.

The day, after that day...

"Am I still going to wait for this long...?" Ayato said while sitting on one of the chairs in the Café. Touka stopped from mopping and sighed.

"Don't lose chances—" Touka said but Eto interrupted.

"Give up. Stop wasting your life up. He changed." Eto sighed and stood in the front of him. "Don't even try to think of a chance. He was against ghouls now!" Eto added and poked his head.

"It seems so..." Ayato said and took a sip of the coffee placed on the table. He stood up from his seat and began to walk towards the door. "I'll be going."

"Okay, Bye!" Eto shouted with a wave. Ayato turned away and closed the door. Ayato headed up to the building and went to the 20th Ward meeting room but no ones in there.

"Where's Juu—" Ayato's hungriness attacked him, which make him fall into his knees. "Damn it..." He whispered to himself, his eyes turned purely black with a red spot in the middle. The door began opening.

"Oh, You were just here! Right in..." Juuzou entered the room but stopped talking when he saw his companion kneeling. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Stay... away!" He shouted out loud and began running to the rooftop of the building. Juuzou followed him to know what's going on to him. "Hey! Wait up!" He ran towards to him, but when he was near to him, Ayato pushed him with his Kagune for the reason for Juuzou to flew and roll over the ground.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Ayato said. Juuzou got surprised at him, his companion was a ghoul. His eyes widened.

"You were a ghoul after all..." He whispered to himself. He smirked and began laughing. "How funny! There's no big deal at all. I could just kill you already!" Ayato's eyes turned to him.

When Juuzou finally got his Jason he started attacking his companion, but his companion have nothing to do with it and shield himself with his kagune. He didn't fight him back, he don't have the strength to. He was too weak because of his companion's attacking him, he wanted to fight back but he can't focus. Juuzou slashed Ayato's Kagune which was his shield.

"Is this the reason why I felt different whenever I'm front with you?!" Juuzou asked himself but Ayato replied. "Not just that." He told him and began to fall. He didn't have the strength to protect himself. Juuzou raised his Jason to finish him already. But before his Jason have touched him, Touka quickly went between them and smack her kagune to Juuzou's Jason for the reason for it to fly.

"How disappointing that you have to fight with your closest friend since we were kids." Touka said while getting up.

"Huh? Who is this? Is she your twin?" Juuzou asked while picking up his Jason. "You seriously still have a backup?" Juuzou laughed.

"You can never do that to him, how could you forget about Ayato!" She shouted and shielded her Kagune for his attack. "How impressive" He whispered as he gain more strength. He called out for 20th Ward CCGs that the target is on.

"What happened to you, Rei?!" Touka asked. "I'm not Rei anymore. I'm not going to deal with you ghouls anymore and what's more better...I will never trust anyone! " He said as Seido just came in time. Seido's eyes widened when he saw Ayato, defeated on the ground. Touka continued fighting against her childhood friend.

"Kirishima is... a ghoul?!" He disappointedly said. He clenched both his teeth and fists and began to fight against him. Ayato stood up and fought back. Touka was about to attack Juuzou but when Ayato noticed her, he quickly get up protected Juuzou by wrapping his arms around him, throwing him onto the ground, shielding him for Touka's attack. Juuzou's eyes wide.

"Are you an idiot?! Stop pretending around! Your secret is revealed already!" Juuzou shouted at his companion. But Ayato wasn't letting go, he was still shielding him.

"Don't hurt her." Ayato whispered weakly. Seido was just surprised at his actions to his companion. Ayato looked at his companion straightly with his own human eyes.

"Rei... It's the second time you broke our promise..."


【心做し】 Kokoronashi 『Between Ghouls and Doves』Where stories live. Discover now